Heal Thy Joints (Publication Review)

HUGEOrange Publication Review
Derek Walter from HarperCollins
Heal Thy Joints by Adeola Oke

Pain has the capacity to undermine quality of life and be, well, a literal pain in the neck, or whichever joint is involved. But with medicine carrying so many potentially grave risks and the evidence firmly stacked on the side of natural approaches, it is time to delve into the options you may not have previously considered.
Heal Thy Joints is a book for those who suffer from joint pain and have been searching for alternative ways to deal with it. Traditional joint pain treatments can be unpleasant and ineffective for some people. Adeola Oke has written a guide to joint pain treatment from a first-hand view; she has experienced debilitating joint pain that was healed with a natural herbal supplement. She also is a nurse and pharmacist, so she brings a lot of knowledge and experience to the party.
I created this action plan over years of research and practice: As both a guinea pig and a health professional. I know change can be challenging, especially when it goes against the accepted Western mainstream. But I’ve found being determined and flexible has resulted in the best results for my joint pain patients.
Dr. Oke goes into the causes, types, and traditional remedies for joint pain. She also presents evidence-based alternatives for reducing pain and healing.
One of the biggest benefits I see is that natural pain relievers often tackle the underlying problem causing the pain, whereas pain medication acts only to mask the pain. By following a strategically tailored treatment program created by an expert health professional, you are able to effectively engage the healing process and reduce pain, naturally.
If you suffer from joint pain or know someone who does and are beginning the journey to find relieve, this is a little gem to start that journey with. It really covers every aspect of joint pain and relief you can think of.  It’s a ‘quick start guide’ but is thorough enough to deepen your understanding of joint pain and prepare you for the path to healing.
The alternative approach to joint pain relief is about embracing the nature of your biology; giving your joints the love they deserve, the nutrients they need, the movement they desire, and the rest that they require.
If you have had joint pain for a while and are frustrated with the medications and therapies because they aren’t working, take a look at this book. You may very well discover a therapy or alternative medication which could be the key to your body’s fight. And who wouldn’t want genuine healing instead of just  masking the pain? It’s also cheerfully written, uplifting, and has delightful illustrations.

The natural approach toward joint pain management is becoming more popular as people realize its incredible healing and pain reducing potential.