Building Brotherhood One Step at a Time (Author Interview)

Building Brotherhood One Step at a Time looks like a wonderful children’s book.  Any plans to make it into a series?

I am currently working on a second book using the same characters.
I think there are lots of other adventures the boys can explore.

What do you think makes a great children’s book?

A good children’s book captures the attention of children.

What inspired you when writing Building Brotherhood One Step at a Time?

The story was inspired by my family. I am a single mother of two adopted sons. They were my inspiration for the story.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?  Full time?  Part time?

I would like to continue to write children’s books.  In fact, I have a completed story that I am hoping will be published soon. I would like to continue with picture books, but also write beginner chapter books.

When did you decide to become a writer?

I actually began writing as an academic.  Being a professor, part of the responsibility is to publish. I began writing academic articles.

When writing Building Brotherhood One Step at a Time did anything stand out as particularly challenging?

Since the story was based on a true story, it wasn’t challenging at all.

How did you come up with the story in Building Brotherhood One Step at a Time?

The story was based on an actual story when I adopted my youngest son.

What do you like to do when not writing?

When I am not writing, I love to attend movies and read. I also do a lot of crocheting for charity. But I enjoy spending time with my grandson the most.

How can readers discover more about you and your work?

Readers can follow me on twitter @profnorris…. I often talk about my newest projects and will share updates on my book signings.