Messages from The Ancient Ones

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“If you're a fan of the Abraham/Esther Hicks channeled books, you will enjoy Messages from the Ancient Ones by Stacey Stephens. Well organized by topics such as Compassion, Empowerment, Relationships, Integrity, etc., the ideas presented are upbeat and almost utopian. If everyone took the advice to live by the ideals in this book, it would be a better place indeed. I used the chapters as a daily devotional in the mornings. There are pictures to set the tone for each chapter, which is a creative way to utilize the need freedoms of digital publishing. The messages are reminiscent of A Course in Miracles talking about ego-based thinking and urging readers to breakthrough to an era of Divinity. This book is part of the New Thought movement of spirituality. For those of us well-versed in this type of philosophy, it doesn't break new ground. However, it is a good presentation of the ideas and presents a hopeful image of what the human experience can be.” ~ Dana Taylor, author of Ever Flowing Streams

Welcome to a Remarkable Collection of Timeless Wisdom in this published collection of the first full year of public communications from The Ancient Ones.

Introducing, The Ancient Ones:
“We are eternal beings of non-physical form. We make up a group of three, forming a council, for the guidance of Mankind, back to their original design as men and women. Our purpose is to assist everyone who is interested to develop their divine inner guidance, to direct themselves toward a humanity that is once again sacred and connected as One, in true camaraderie.”

These masters share transformative truths about:

- Self Mastery;
- Prosperity;
- Health and Energy;
- Creativity;
- Life Purpose

“Wake up from the slumber that this ego-dominated world has put you in. Take charge of your life, and participate with humanity to overthrow the prison of your mind. Become an activist for a future where life is celebrated, real love is shared, and individuality is encouraged within the entirety of the whole. True expression is found within your heart. Open wide.” – The Ancient Ones

Book Sections:

Introduction: The Ancient Ones
The Messages:
1 - Humanity
2 - Creativity
3 - Interconnectedness
4 - Consciousness
5 - A Life Well Lived
6 - God
7 - Decide Your Life
8 - Healing
9 - Compassion
10 - Dignity
11 - Uncover Yourself
12 - Integrity
13 - Interdependence
14 - Relationships
15 - Soul Connection
16 - Perception
17 - Empowerment
18 - Children
19 - Youth
20 - Soulmates
21 - Family
22 - Village
23 - Global Society
24 - Earth Ecology
25 - Human Nature
26 - Inner Calling
27 - Purpose
28 - Soul Authority
29 - Oneness
30 - Love
31 - Being
32 - Innocence
33 - Reality
34 - Passion
35 - Attitude
36 - Joy
37 - Fulfillment
38 - Belief
39 - Wisdom
40 - One Year Anniversary Message
Afterword by The Ancient Ones

This book contains the foundational wisdom to create a life of direction, purpose and meaning. It is my honor to share these messages with you.

Stacey Stephens

Soul, Self, Soul Self Living, The Ancient Ones, life, consciousness, awareness, meditation, parenting, relationships, self-help, personal development, purpose, meaning, ego, health, sustainability, prosperity, spirituality, channeling, channel, guide, life coach, life coaching, community, new thought, empowerment, love, inspirational, motivational, success, life lessons, personal growth, personal transformation, self-improvement, God, enlightenment, true self, self
Similar Authors: Esther Hicks, Abraham-Hicks, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Eckhart Tolle, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Don Miguel Ruiz, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Gay Hendricks, Marianne Williamson, Oprah Winfrey, Florence Scovel Shinn, Charles F Haanel, Rhonda Byrne, Napoleon Hill, Anthony Robbins, Ernest Holmes, James Twyman, Dan Millman, Carolyn Myss