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Ever felt like you've wasted too many precious hours, days, and years worrying and stressing over things you know you cannot change by worrying?
If so, this book is for you.
Based on the author's true life experience, this book / study is ideal as either a personal devotional or for group Bible Study use.
With a classic mixture of humor, real life stories, Scripture references and more, this author understands where you are with worry and how to help you overcome it in the here and now.
With powerful chapter recaps as well as action guides and discussion questions (and a free bonus offer), you won't soon forget what you learn here!
Chapters include:
So What’s the Big Deal About Worry?
Worry’s Bad Reputation
Resistance to your War on Worry
Dismantling Your Worry Excuses
Do You Model Mary or Martha?
A New Way to Look at Worry
From Worrier to Warrior!
and more.
“Help, Lord! I Want to Win the Worry War” pinpoints the reasons we worry, how worry affects our health and well-being, and how to beat this time, energy and joy stealer!
This book was written for personal application to enable you to win this war over worry and to help you to live your best life NOW. Don’t you want to learn the secrets to becoming worry free?
Why waste another minute in the wearying worry woes? Declutter your mind of this destructive emotion - and learn to worry less and live more.
Telling yourself the truth will free you to live in the present moment, take God’s cure for negative emotions, and learn to truly be anxious for nothing.
Get this book and shortcut your learning curve to overcome worry - and open up a brand new way of living - overcome worry and anxiety for good!
Isn’t it time to trade anxiety for peace?
Stop worrying and start living - scroll up and click the Buy Button now.