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Is God calling you to be a leader in the marketplace? Godly leaders must learn how to carry His presence into hurting workplaces. The marketplace is the place where Jesus led. Jesus chose marketplace leaders not church leaders and He made them fishers of men and showed the power of results in a time where they were needed most. Are we not in that place in history again?
Do you know what your God given favor and ability to lead and influence others are for?
As a Christian called to leadership in secular society, have you learned to defend God in your life without offending others or denying Him at work?
Do you know what the Word says about Godly leadership?
Do you know the criteria of a leader that God specifically details out in His word?
How about choosing leaders to lead with you?
The separation of Church and State, has many anointed leaders believing that they are confined the pulpit or faith-based activities.
This book proves that leading Monday through Friday in Corporate America is a calling to ‘The New Mission Field’ that will bring the greatest harvest and the most sustained positive impact.
People must be responsible for their own growth and potential for development in every area of their individual lives. However, there are things that aid and abet our ability to fail and leadership is at the head of the table in today’s marketplace. I Peter 5: 2-4 (KJV) Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight [thereof,] not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over [God’s] heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. The same verse in the amplified version states it this way. ‘Tend (nurture, guard, guide and fold) the flock of God that is [your responsibility], not by coercion or constraint, but eagerly and cheerfully. Not domineering [as arrogant, dictatorial and over bearing persons] over those in your charge, but being examples (patterns and models of Christian living) to the flock of the congregation.’
As you read this book, beware that it is not for your normal charismatic, warm and fuzzy stroke to your believing ego. The subject of leadership and where we are headed as a nation is too important for the shelves and minds of readers to have another tool to further construct complacency with those that have God given authority. Good leaders not only make the work-world a better place, but God’s presence requires anointed leadership in order to transcend the core structure of every community. Godly men and women operating in the favor of leadership to lead families, people at work and believers in the marketplace are blessed with results to do so because God is ultimately leading us all to a higher place in His plan for their lives. Regardless of your business – God is calling all leaders to be about His business on this earth. A great portion of the prayer and counseling lines are in part due to issues of poor leadership in the place where we spend the greatest of our awakened time which is at work. To the same degree, poor leadership in the marketplace has its blame on the increased woes on society in part to alcoholism, marital affairs, divorce, stress, suicides, economical failures and plant closings of some of the greatest businesses and people on the planet. By no means is leadership an all inclusive excuse for the moral failures of men at large, but many debacles are as a result of poor leaders with management systems that are buckling under today’s character crash.
Ministers, pole your congregation, if you know that you have a strong entrepreneurial base in your church, or several corporate leaders, support the message of Jesus by encouraging them to lead Godly. This will not only bring prosperity to those companies but to the families, communities and the body of Christ as a whole. I Timothy 4:8 state that ...God