Discover the Horrible Facts of These True Ghost Stories!

Warning: All the stories in this book have been verified as TRUE! These are not hoaxes – they are backed up by FACTS. Maybe disturbing for some!

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When you download Hannah J. Tidy’s Ghost Stories: Compilation of horrifying REAL ghost stories- Truly disturbing Hauntings & Paranormal stories, your skin will crawl with the idea that these stories are real – and could happen to anyone.

In this New Edition Ghost Stories, you’ll find a new horrifying chapter on a particular art piece that has been circulating eBay believed to be extremely haunted! buyer beware. and many many more newly added Ghost Stories.

Here’s an excerpt from the book:

Haunted Painting- Little did he know that what he created would become something of a legend. Looking at the painting will give you the creeps. In the painting, The boy’s eyes are almost non-existent as if he is squinting. His pale skin appears sickly or even lifeless. Next to him on his right stands a little girl doll with hollowed out eyes. Within the next 10 years, three people who dealt with the painting died suddenly. Everybody that has had a glimpse of the artwork all agree that that is one creepy, haunting image.

The painting vanished from the next 26 years and then resurfaced in an eBay listing, out of the blue. According to the previous owner of the painting, “The children depicted in the painting were coming alive at night and stepping out of the painting into the real world!” Download to get the whole story!


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