Why do you want to come to America: The Real Reasons why Refugees and Migrants are Coming


The question of why people want to immigrate to the United States is answered in this insightful and compelling paper on the subject, Why do you want to come to America?

As refugees and migrants continue to stream across the borders of the US, many of them seeking the American dream, the country begins to creak and groan at the seams and the question is asked more frequently, with an underlying suspicion attached.

The issues of poverty and lack of human resources are beginning to show and are starting to hurt its population. Racism and sectarianism are rife, despite attempts by many to limit their effects, and are now spreading relentlessly to Muslim minorities living in the West, as well as the Hispanic population.

Why do you want to come to America, examines many of the reasons that people want to enter America. Refuge, education, marriage, money and freedom are among the most popular reasons, but is this really enough, or is it simply a thin veneer that quickly loses its gloss?

With new and stringent immigration policies, travel bans, deportations, visa revocations and racial profiling being applied aggressively towards Muslims and people of Asian descent, the fundamental question in all of this should be; Is the promise of unchecked wealth and opportunity worth the cost of losing your identity and culture?