HORROR D'OEUVRES: Distasteful Little Mouthfuls'
May I offer you a little something to whet your appetite for horrors yet to come? A little violence perhaps, or possibly a burning or two? We have dislike and loathing. Or maybe a taste of blood-soaked retribution. Please feel free to make your selection from our disgusting, freshly mutilated, little mouthfuls. Guaranteed to be fresh, raw, and wriggling, as only our Guest Chef, horror author Kevin Ground, can make them. Please indulge your taste for forbidden blood-soaked pleasure. Knives, guns, ropes, drownings. There’s something for everyone on our evil, hate-filled, suicidal platter of dark thoughts and insane mayhem. Choose from hatchet killers and poisoners, deranged girlfriends and deadly lonely hearts. Butchers, bakers, and seriously dangerous mischief-makers. Horror D’oeuvre Sir? Horror D’oeuvre Madam? Please be my guests. Enjoy a little something horrible before something horrible enjoys you.