Addicted to G.I.V.I.N.G.: The Habit of Handover (Addicted to God Book 1)
Habits die hard. What’s more is that habits can be formed! Did you ever think of giving as a habit? When people think of giving, the automatic reflex is to think of monetary gifts. But giving is so much more than that. Giving at its core is an act of love… a natural reflex, a habit that can be developed and when developed can become an addiction. If you are tired of books about "tithing" but rather want to understand what it means to "give," and the role of giving in a Christian's life, this book Addicted to G.I.V.I.N.G: The Habit of Handover is the answer you have sought a long time. Do you want giving to be a natural reflex? Do you want to develop a habit of handover that will grow and strengthen you spiritually? Addicted to G.I.V.I.N.G does just that. It is the first in a 3-part Christian living series called ‘Addicted to God’ which focuses on successful stewardship and creating a giving habit. It answers the questions of how to give; what to give; why you should give and much more. Do you want to create a natural habit of handover? Then let’s Get Addicted!