The Rod Healers     

A true incredible book about the amazing healing work of New Zealand psychic spiritual healer Wayne Ball, his predecessors - Clive Hulme, Denny Hulme, Doug Schlaadt, Sonny Anderson and his Spirit team. Wayne reveals how he became a psychic spiritual healer, continuing the legacy of his predecessors’ work with the Spiritual Realm and discovering his own powerful unique psychic spiritual abilities.   The Rod Healers incorporates many successful accounts exposing the range and depth of his international healing work. Wayne is far more than a psychic conduit between the Spirit Realm and the numerous people they help. He assists others to improve and lead more fulfilling lives. This book provides an easy-to-follow guide to Spiritual self-empowerment.   Wayne and his Spirit team’s raw honesty, humour and down to earth approach show he’s not afraid to challenge the status quo. He tackles contentious issues head on. The Rod Healers will enlighten many readers’ core beliefs about Spiritualism and indeed challenge others.