The Moon Can Take His Time: A Collection of Poetry

The Moon Can Take His Time looks like a great collection of poetry.  Any plans to make it into a series?
First of all, thank you so much! As of right now it’s not looking like it will be a series, but I definitely plan for more poetry collections to come out in the future.

What do you think makes a poem?

Now there’s a question that trips me up a bit. I think that all one needs to “make a poem” is words that tell what they need to get out and say. In my opinion, there should be less worrying about the rules and regulations of writing a poem and more of just writing and seeing what your mind decides needs to be on the paper.

What inspired you when writing The Moon Can Take His Time?
There were a multitude of things. My own life, the lives of family members and friends, news and media, and even a role-playing game I play.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?  Full time? Part time?
I’d like to make it as full time as possible, even though we all know how difficult that can be.

When did you decide to become a writer?
I’ve always enjoyed writing, and I’ve gone through several stages in my life where I claimed I wanted to be a writer, but it was my first semester of college in fall of 2016 when I knew that was what I wanted to do.
When writing The Moon Can Take His Time did anything stand out as particularly challenging?
I think just trying to get the poems to come together and flow naturally. I’ve changed quite a bit, so the poems I wrote in 2017 are coming from a different place than the ones I wrote in 2018. It’s all about finding that balance and the similarities. Another thing was sorting the poems into their sections. Several could have gone in more than one, for example.

How did you come up with the poems in The Moon Can Take His Time?
Most of them just come to me, which sounds strange, but it’s the truth. I find that if I try to force a poem it doesn’t sound as natural or right to me, and I have a feeling it might not seem natural to the reader either.

What do you like to do when not writing?
When not writing I enjoy watching shows on Netflix or Prime and also playing EverJane. It’s a textbased roleplaying game set in the regency era, perfect for my nerdy brain. However, when I’m not doing those things, I can always appreciate the time to just sit and think or lay down and relax. I also enjoy reading, but with college lately, it’s been harder to actually read for pleasure.

How can readers discover more about you and your work?

The best place is to probably follow my Instagram @baleighrobertswriting as that’s where I tend to post the most writing updates. You can also follow my author profile on Goodreads!