Tails Of Sanctuary: The Dark Sentinel (Author Interview)

Tails of Sanctuary looks like a great fantasy adventure.  Any plans to make it into a series?
         Thank you and yes. I am currently working on the second book, Tails of Sanctuary: The Rescue, which is planned to come out later this year. You can follow us on Facebook (Tails of Sanctuary) for more details as well as exclusive content.

What do you think makes a great young adult book?
         With any book, the ability to relate to your audience is key. So, writing characters who are believable and remind individuals they are not alone, no matter what they are feeling or going through, can really set any book apart — regardless of genre.

What inspired you when writing Tails of Sanctuary?
         I work with dogs for a living. So, the inspiration came from the dogs I work with on a daily basis. While they may or may not be getting into fantastical adventures, the thought of what they might do helps the time pass on slower days.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?  Full-time? Part-time?
         The greatest thing I could achieve from my career as a writer would be to change someone’s life. While I would love to do this as a full-time job, I would much rather be able to help someone get through a hard time or find it helped bring a family together.

When did you decide to become a writer?
         I’ve wanted to be a writer since high school. In fact, when I was in high school I would write short stories for my friends and family for their Christmas presents.

When writing Tails of Sanctuary did anything stand out as particularly challenging?
         Time. Time is always a challenge. I was (and still am) working full-time. So, dedicating time to sit down and write can be a tedious task. Though, it is always rewarding to do so.

How did you come up with the story in Tails of Sanctuary?
         I really like to think that I didn’t come up with the story. The story was always there, and I just discovered it.

What do you like to do when not writing?
         I find no matter what I end up trying to do I always find myself telling stories or listening to stories or reading them. If it’s not working on a stand-up routine, it’s listening to podcasts (Everyone should check out King Falls AM), or re-watching The Office for the hundredth time.

How can readers discover more about you and your work?
         They can find us on Facebook (Tails of Sanctuary), Twitter (@SanctuaryTails) or on our blog (TailsofSanctuary.blogspot.com) they can also find the book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Lulu.com