The Nigerian Brides Academy looks like a great guide for marriage. Any plans to make this part of a series or release similar books?
Yes, the book is actually a fore runner of a bootcamp “Finishing School For Brides” where brides can come in for two days and be transformed into virtuous women.
The Nigerian Brides Academy – workbook when ready will be a Do-it yourself manual on how to make all round maximum impact in their marriage and relationships in 50days
What will readers get out of your guide?
How to transform their marriage and relationships into a warm house, warm food and warm bed
What inspired you when writing The Nigerian Brides Academy?
A desire to see more ladies happily married. My husband and l have been involved with counselling and mentoring young adults especially marital counselling for over 10years. We had discussed the possibility of starting a “Finishing School for Brides” as we perceived that there was a gap that needed to be filled.
l discussed the idea with some friends and the idea of writing the book “Nigerian Brides Academy” came up as a fore runner to a bootcamp for Brides and Brides to-be, so l wrote the framework and the topics to be covered in the book
When did you decide to become a writer?
About 10 years ago but this is my first book on relationships and marriage
When writing The Nigerian Brides Academy did anything stand out as particularly challenging? Yes, coordinating, compiling transcribing and editing the work of 18 ladies who were QueenMakers and GodMothers across 4 continents was a big challenge. Getting the writeups from the ladies to gel, flow and follow the framework was another challenge.
How did you come up with the concepts and ideas in The Nigerian Brides Academy?
During counselling sessions most of the marital challenges could be classified into three broad areas – Housekeeping and family finance issues, inability to cook delicious meals and keeping the conjugal bed exciting and alive
So l classified the solutions as Warm House, Warm food and Warm Bed and that’s what gave birth to The Nigerian Brides Academy book
What do you like to do when not writing?
I’m reading, researching trying to find solutions to different problems. I think God blessed me with the skill of breaking down complex challenges into bite size easy to accomplish solutions
How can readers discover more about you and your work?
From my personal website