Rhapsody in Dreams (Author Interview)

Rhapsody in Dreams looks like a complex and interesting story.  Any plans to turn it into a series?  

No. This story is complete.

How did you come up with the story in Rhapsody in Dreams? 

This story is a result of my fascination with the subject of human memory and dreams. Being a musician and a history buff, I knew that my story could be set only is my favorite city of St. Augustine, the Oldest City, and that one of my heroes must be a pianist.

What will readers get out of your book?

That love is eternal, that each of us has a very unique and special purpose on this planet, and that family is everything 

What inspired you when writing Rhapsody in Dreams?   

Music and my family

When did you decide to become a writer?

I always wanted to write. I wrote short stories, plays and poetry since I was in elementary school.
But I didn’t consciously decided to become a writer: it kind of happened quite naturally after I dreamed about red-haired girl with a baby in a middle of the airport. She was scared and lost; behind her was a banner “Welcome to the United States of America.” And I knew her name, and her story, and I wanted to write it down. That’s how my first story, my Rostoff trilogy “Once & Forever” was ‘born’.
The rest is history.

When writing Rhapsody in Dreams did anything stand out as particularly challenging?  

Nothing comes to mind. I enjoyed writing this story.

What do you like to do when not writing?

Reading and listening to music. Literature and music are my two great passions in life.

Where can readers find out more about your work?

And my Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/stellamaywriter/?modal=admin_todo_tour