Before You Flip (Author Interview)

Before You Flip is a realistic look at the house flipping market.  Can you tell us a little about why you wrote the book?
After experiencing some challenges with my first house flipping; after witnessing other new investors getting in financial traps; after watching the abuse, wrong doing, and maltreatment reigning in the real estate investing world, I felt obligated to share first hand experiences and lessons learned. The goal is to create awareness and to add value to anyone who wants to know the downside of real estate investing especially in an environment that shows the good side to lure people in.

How long did it take you to write Before You Flip?
It took me about ninety days to write this book.

Why did you decide to become a writer?
I always have a passion for writing. I think sharing stories in writing is one of the most powerful ways to reach a large audience and make a longer impact. We all know “spoken words fly away, but written words remain.”  Ultimately, I want to provide tools and resources valuable to the success of others.

How did you come up with the concepts and ideas to share in Before You Flip?
The concepts came directly from real life experiences. It was a matter of listening to each investor and bring to life their griefs, disappointments, nightmares through the book.

What was the most challenging issue that came up when writing Before You Flip?
The main issue was to translate the investors’ feelings into words without altering their stories. Most of them were indescribable. I wanted to make it easy for the readers to feel their pain and be in their shoes for a moment. I wanted to transport the readers from their world to the investors’ world. The word choice was challenging.

What do you like to do when not writing?
When I am not writing, I am thinking about the next subject to write about. I like to observe my surroundings and examine their behaviors.  I also speak and coach others to reach their full potentials.

Where can readers find out more about your work?
They can find my work on amazon. I am also available on Facebook and LinkedIn.