7 Ways to Manage Pain with CBD looks like a great
guide to CBD basics. What type of reader
is your book for?
The book is really for several people. First, some have
heard of CBD, tried it, and didn't notice anything. They felt like everything
they had heard about CBD was just bogus hype, so they didn't continue using it.
Then we have those who have a little bit of knowledge
regarding CBD and have been using it attempting to take the edge off their
pain. Unfortunately, they can't seem to find the sweet spot, so-to-speak. They
know there is something more, but they lack understanding, so relief is just
out of their reach.
Then millions who have never heard of CBD, are now being
exposed to the myriad of claims of CBD being the cure-all of all cure-alls.
Most pain sufferers or their family members are grasping for any lifeline that
they can find. They're searching for anything which will offer some form of
hope of escape from pain.
In each of these situations, with a little bit of
instruction, the consumer can take charge of their pain management battle and
find some level of success.
These are the people that will benefit the most from this
What are some of the things readers will get out of 7
Ways to Manage Pain with CBD?
The book covers all the basics of using CBD, but it goes a
step further than other manuscripts. It
covers battling pain on multiple fronts. So, for example, if your pain
management consists only of CBD oil, then you’ll discover six additional
consumption methods to add to your arsenal of weapons.
But that's not all. Once a person has read the book, they
will be on par with just about any salesperson at a dispensary and miles ahead
of the gas station attendant along Route 66 in the middle of New Mexico. It
will not be as easy to pull the wool over the eyes of the reader. I'll sum it
up like this - chronic pain suffers can say goodbye to CBD confusion.
There is something else the readers will find. The book is
only 104 pages, but it is chocked full of medically fact-based and anecdotally
supported pain relief information. The book will help a consumer separate the
good guys from the bad. In the book's appendix, there is a comprehensive
checklist for purchasing CBD in any form. It covers reading labels, purchasing
from websites, and, most importantly, how to read the testing results, the
certificate of analysis. Once someone absorbs the book's information, they'll
never be a CBD SUCKER again!
What inspired you when writing 7 Ways to Manage Pain
with CBD?
The driving force
that inspired me was that I figured CBD out!
Once I had an understanding, everything fell into place. I figured out
the dosing, meaning how much I needed to take. I figured out the application
methods, how to attack pain on multiple fronts, and how to weed out the
snake-oil salesman. But not only that, I finally understood the purpose of the
endocannabinoid system. Everything I had heard in the media throughout my life
about the brain and how it releases chemicals into the body made 100% sense.
Another big
inspiration that pushed me forward was knowing that other chronic pain
sufferers would find similar results to what I found. Now, helping people
reduce their pain is my life's mission. That's what inspires me.
How did you come up with the concepts and information in 7
Ways to Manage Pain with CBD?
It was 100% trial and error. There were no official
instructions for consuming CBD. It was not, and still is not regulated by the
Food and Drug Administration. While consuming CBD, you're on your own. It's
still the wild wild west. The cool thing was that I had unfettered access to
some amazing CBD product manufacturers before California passed proposition 64.
I got to know many owners, and they had some fantastic products. On the flip side,
I found many CBD products that did absolutely nothing to reduce pain. I learned
a lot of lessons, thus the book.
Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when
writing 7 Ways to Manage Pain with CBD?
My biggest challenge was trying to convey to people that CBD
can and will take the edge off of pain if they give it a chance. But to get its
maximum benefits, I had to find a way to stress to would-be users that they
have to use it regularly. Most people try it for a day or two and then give up from
a lack of understanding.
I found that by using the following illustration, people
come to an aha moment. Then they can adjust and start to get on the right track
to self-discovery. With a clear picture in their head, they are able to isolate
their battleground, begin developing a plan, and then execute that plan to
fight back.
Let me paint this picture for you. Visualize in your mind, a
General overlooking his battlefield. He observes the battle is fiercest on his
west flank, and his enemy has overpowered his troops. After some analysis, he
sends a regiment of soldiers to protect his flank and stop the enemy from
penetrating his territory.
During the battle, some are killed, some are wounded, some
run out of ammunition, and sadly some defect. Fortunately, the next day, there
are more soldiers on his west flank than he had the previous day. Again he sends another regiment. Some are
killed, some are wounded, some run out of ammunition, and some run away.
Each day the Generals army fighting at the west flank grows
and gets stronger as he keeps sending in fresh troops. Finally, the General
turns the tide to his favor, and now the enemy is on the run.
Every new day a user consumes CBD, they become a General.
They are now in charge of sending fresh troops on to their battlefield. If the
delivery system is through tinctures, oils, vaping, edibles, or beverages,
those are the soldiers sent into combat. Remember, CBD is only temporary
relief. During the battle, some are killed, some are wounded, some run out of
ammunition, and some defect.
That illustration conquered my challenge and gave chronic
pain sufferers a new way to look at their situation. Battle won!
What do you like to do when not writing?
I love the outdoors more than anything. I love the cool weather.
Being next to or on the ocean is at the top of my list of things to do. Trout
fishing in the mountains is another favorite. Mountain biking, rollerblading,
and other high energy activities are also great enjoyments.
I was diagnosed at the age of five as being
hyperactive. It wasn't called ADHD back
in the 1960s, but guess what, at the age of 56, I am still hyperactive, I am
ADHD. Pretty regularly, I still need some form of high energy activity. Between
staying active and writing, I fit in as many outdoor things that I can.
Where can readers find out more about your work?
Pretty much
everything I do is on my website. I link to my social media, video, any recent
media appearances; everything can be found there.
My website is, and if you want to reach out through email, I can be
contacted at
The book can be
purchased on the following websites:
Barnes and Noble