The 7th Riddle (Author Interview)

The 7th Riddle looks like an exciting short mystery book.  How many books do you plan for the series?
This is a 7 episodes book series. We expect to release a new book every two months. It started as Fortune Cookie but changed quickly to 7th Riddle as the storyline became more clearer to me.

What can you tell us about Charles Deveaux?
Charles is French playboy loves the finer things in life, starting with beautiful women and money. His luck had been done for a few years but when he received the golden ticket, he believed his luck changed. But is it luck or something else? He is about to find out!

When did you decide to become a writer?
I was a quiet child who devoured every book in my school library back in my hometown of Charlotte Amalie. After that I longed for something else to occupy my mind. I discovered writing at age of 9 when I wrote my first poem: Smile. It was then I realized that writing is a friend who listens and allows me to speak without uttering a word.

Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing The 7th Riddle?
Writing various types of puzzles, ciphers, and riddles into the storyline which will ultimately be used to play the interactive 3D AR game app to win all sorts of prizes!!! That to me is and will be the challenge as I seek to make the games harder and harder on each level.

What do you like to do when not writing?
I develop apps, travel and do missionary work in third world countries, and teach children songs and dances.

Where can readers find out more about your work?
I can be found on where you can purchase your pre-launched copy or at my Amazon author’s page at :