Lessons From the Great Coaches (Author Interview)


Lessons From the Great Coaches looks like a helpful book.  Any plans to turn it into a series?        

I’m currently working on volume two. The first edition was dedicated to pro coaches while the second will be focused on the college side of the game. It’s possible that there will be future editions from there, but the focus for now is getting the second volume completed and released.

How long did it take you to write Lessons From the Great Coaches?

It’s a concept that I’ve been tossing around in my head for several years. I’ve had a general outline and overview in place for some time. Earlier this year, I finally made the time to see it through to completion. All told, it was a couple of months of research, writing, and several rounds of edits. The biggest overall hurdle was getting to the point in which I was satisfied with the final product. That took some doing, but I’m pleased with the results.

What inspired you when writing Lessons From the Great Coaches?  

I’m a big fan of improvement, whether it be personal or professional in nature. I’ve done my best to instill that into my two children as well. Since they were born, I’ve been completely dedicated to being the best possible parent and placing them in a position to have the confidence to go after what they want in life. The overall inspiration was a combination of my personal passion for the topic and the opportunity to share knowledge with readers. 

What will readers get out of your book?

There’s a lot of wisdom and knowledge out there if you take the time to look. As opposed to spinning your wheels endlessly and never finding the answers that you’re looking for, taking the time to get to the heart of the matter can lead towards having clarity on what really matters. This book is a collection of some of the wisdom and knowledge that has been shared by some of the best coaches of all time along with actionable tips on how it can make a difference in your own life.

What motivated you to become a writer?

I’ve always wanted to be a writer, but I was never in a position in which I could dedicate myself to pursuing it. That opportunity presented itself a few years ago and I pursued it with everything I had. It took a ton of hard work and effort to get to the point in which the dream of being a full-time writer became a reality. In a nutshell, I set my mind towards failure not being an option and developed a laser-like focus to get where I wanted to be. A few years later, several goals have been realized while more are in the works. 

How did you come up with the ideas in Lessons From the Great Coaches?

I’ve always had a knack for drilling down into things and pulling out what really matters, as well as for knowing when to perk up and really pay attention. Through the years, I’ve always had an eye out on ways to improve or do things better, and certain concepts and thoughts have really stuck. Along the way, the light bulb moment came of sharing some of these principles in a book. As a big football fan and a freelance writer who focuses on the sports world, it became a natural fit to share some of the time-honored principles that have led to extraordinary levels of success. The idea all came together by thinking through the common denominator which led teams to get to that point.    

Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing Lessons From the Great Coaches?

The biggest challenge was getting to the point in which I was satisfied enough with the final product to actually release it. While I’m a freelance writer who has produced a ton of content through the years, I found there to be a big difference between having the confidence to submit an article and know that it was solid versus putting out an entire book with my name attached to it. Naturally, some doubts crept in and that led to several rounds of revisions, but I was able to get to a spot in which I was at peace with the final result. 

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m the proud father of two boys who have grown to be outstanding young men. Professionally, I work as a freelance writer and have done so for several years. It has been a long journey with several different ups and downs, but I couldn’t be happier when I look back. I enjoy what I do, love being self-employed, and am completely focused on making sure those two things continue. For the future, I’m looking towards completing additional books and focusing on continually striving for improvement without resting on any laurels.