Aurelia and the Enemies of Pity (Author Interview)

Aurelia and the Enemies of Pity looks like an exciting fantasy story.  Can you tell us a little about Aurelia?

She is smart, curious, and fearless. Aurelia always wears her heart on her sleeve. She will fight and die if it means saving the people she loves. She is a social outcast because she can see through the power structures designed to keep people in line. Aurelia would rather spend her day in a library than go to a party. At the same time, I think she has a lot of character depth that allows various people to connect with her. She can see the world from many points of view and doesn’t judge people for their differences.


How many books do you have planned for the series?

 I am currently working on book two, with hopes for a third book. Everyone loves a good trilogy.

How long did it take you to write Aurelia and the Enemies of Pity?

A little over three years.


What inspired you when writing Aurelia and the Enemies of Pity?

 I wish I had a cool answer for this. The truth is a lot of things inspired me. I spent several months living on Fort Sam in Texas. While I was there, I saw a lot of wounded veterans and watched their struggles and triumphs. Being there will change your view on a lot of things. I also love Historical European Martial Arts. I teach sword fighting and enjoyed incorporating a lot of that into my books.    

What will readers get out of your book?

Hopefully, they will get to go on a fantastic journey. I tried to create a book that is an experience rather than a book you merely read.


How did you come up with the story in Aurelia and the Enemies of Pity?

I don’t know. The story wrote itself. I took a bunch of different things from history and life experiences. Then I combined them into a story that I enjoyed reading.

Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing?

 I wanted to create a beautiful piece of art and not just another bland fantasy story about dragons and senile wizards. I reworked the book at least fifteen times in the process.


What do you like to do when not writing?

Sword fighting and spending time with my wife and dogs.


Where can readers find out more about your work?

Please stay up to date by following my author page on Amazon or find me on Facebook.