Danny Sousa looks like a cool story. Can you tell us a little about Danny?
Yeah Danny was born and raised in New York. He’s confident, impulsive, street-wise, and motivated by the pursuit of sex. He's in his early twenties and lives with his mum in a small apartment.
His goals are to make it rich and sleep with as many women as he can. And these motivators take him down some interesting paths to say the least.
Any plans to turn it into a series?
Yes. A draft is complete for the sequel, Danny Blade. Where Danny is so bored by married life that he goes on an extreme magic mushroom trip. Where sexy vampires try to chase him down for his seed to summon an evil God Emperor.
How long did it take you to write Danny Sousa?
About 3 months. Although the book is short, I really wanted every story to be unique, to the point, and fun.
What inspired you when writing Danny Sousa?
So many things. But I'd pin point it to three movies - Superbad, Tropic Thunder, and Idiocracy.
I miss the days of edgy comedy where people weren't so sensitive about every little thing.
Can you tell us a little about your writing method?
Whenever I have a good idea, I just puke it out on paper. Then hand it off to editors to handle the rest.
What will readers get out of your book?
They'll get a different perspective. And a lot of entertainment.
What motivated you to become a writer?
I've always been a writer but unsure about how I'd be received. Now I just don't care.
How did you come up with the story in Danny Sousa?
Hahaha!!! Well.. Danny Sousa wasn't intended to be a story in the first place. I initially created this character for fun and posted some short stories on Terror House Magazine.
My idea was that I'd put Danny in the most ridiculous situations and have him maneuver them, somehow…
I ended up having so much fun with this character that I just kept creating more and more ridiculous situations for him to maneuver through.
Within 3 months I had a book. To be honest this was really for my own amusement.
Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing Danny Sousa?
No, because I just wrote it for fun.
What do you like to do when not writing?
Beer and a good meal. That’s what I like to do.
Where can readers find out more about your work?
You can check out some of my work on Terror House Magazine. I write under the pen name Fun Guy.