The Tale of Nathaniel Cracklock looks like an exciting story. Can you tell us a little about Nathaniel?
Sure! This story is a stand alone from my series, “The Cracklock Saga”. The Cracklocks are a family who can see the Fae. Unfortunately, most of the family want to exterminate them; there is only one small pocket who love the little folk and do their best to thwart the aims of the main family. There are 3 books in that series so far, with the fourth, Dire Sorrows, due to be released Fall 2022. In Book 3, Alice and the Mirror Glass, we meet the US Cracklocks, a long-lost part of the original family. However, these have none of the abilities of their UK counterparts, and it is all down to what happened to their founding father, Nathaniel Cracklock, who fled England in the 17th Century to escape the Witchfinders. It turns out it was out of the frying pan and into the fire for Nathaniel!
This tale explains what happened to Nathaniel and why the US Cracklocks avoid the Fae as a consequence. He is one of the founding three of the family that exists today.
Any plans to turn it into a series?
Not this one, no, as it is a supporting story to the main story line of the Cracklock Saga. There will be other stand-alone stories for some of the main characters; I have the story lines plotted for those. But these are designed to add more ‘meat’ to the Cracklock World. The main series will run to six books I think; then the spin-off series will be written. So many ideas, so little writing time!
That’s an amazing cover. Can you tell us a little about it?
Thank you; I’m really pleased with it. The cover depicts one of the Dökkálfar, or Dark Elves, who are a protagonist in the main story. The red light behind him? Well, you’ll have to read the book to learn what that is. It isn’t pleasant.
What inspired you when writing The Tale of Nathaniel Cracklock?
Really to drive it on to form a full story; as per below this was part of another book. Getting the start and reasoning behind Nathaniel’s actions really got the creative juices flowing; I finished it all within six weeks of extracting it from the original book. Record for me.
How did you come up with the story in The Tale of Nathaniel Cracklock?
The story actually started out as part of Book 4, “Dire Sorrows”. However, my editors thought it would be better as a stand-alone, and suggested I rip it out and expand on it. Fortunately, I was already well into Book 5, so I was able to take the historical parts out of Book 4, and then top up it up with the book 5 material. Only took me 6 weeks from the editors suggestion to being ready with that one. Had to re-write and add parts, but it just clicked.
Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing The Tale of Nathaniel Cracklock?
Only really trying to get the historical parts right – how they talk, what 17th Century England and Boston actually looked like etc. I did quite a lot of research, and whilst I am sure that I have gotten things wrong, I have done the best job I can. My fault for anything that’s wrong!
What do you like to do when not writing?
Writing is a hobby for me at the moment; I have a full-time business that takes up most of my actual time, plus two children and a very needy dog! Writing is evenings, early mornings and weekends at the moment, although I would love to do it full time one day. Walking the dog gives me headspace to think about story plots (we are lucky enough to be surrounded by woodland and fields). Aside from them, a few pints with the boys never goes amiss, plus gaming with my son.
Where can readers find out more about your work?
I am on Amazon at the moment including KU; I have plans to go wide eventually when I have time to do it. Links as follows:
Book 1: Fae or Foe?
Book 2: The Lost and the Departed
Book 3: Alice and the Mirror Glass
Stand alone: The Tale of Nathaniel Cracklock
There’s an advert for “The Tale of Nathaniel Cracklock” on Youtube at which gives a good overview of what to expect from the story.
Finally, loads of stuff is on the website, . Meet the characters at
And you can sign up to the mailing list at
Finally, for additional information, please see:
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