Dear Jesus (Author Interview)

Dear Jesus looks like an exciting guide.  Can you tell us a little about it?

I discovered that Jesus isn’t just the cross on our necklace, the picture on our wall, or the one we ask to bless our food. He is real, and when He touches you, your life will change.

Any plans to turn it into a series?

My heart is already stirring for the next book telling the story of how Jesus changed my life
How long did it take you to write Dear Jesus?

One morning in prayer, God spoke to me and gave me the entire outline for the book and He told me to fill in the blanks. It took longer to get the cover artwork made than to write the book! It took about 2 weeks start to finish. My heart was stirred and it poured out of me.
What motivated you to become a writer? 

If God can change me, He can change you. Therefore what He gave me isn’t just for me. Anyone can have as much of Him as they want and I wanted my experience to reach as many people as possible.
How did you come up with the title to your book?

Each morning when I would wake up to write my letter to Jesus, I felt the weight of His presence come into the room I was in every time I penned the words, “Dear Jesus.”

What will readers get out of your book?

My prayer is that every reader would discover that the God of the universe actually loves them and wants to be closer to them than they could ever imagine.

Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing 
Dear Jesus?

The way I experienced God was very much unlike anything I had every heard of before. I wasn’t sure how well people would accept my experience as “real.” At the end of the day, my experience was undeniable, and He called me, so He can call YOU too.
What do you like to do when not writing?
I love to play the electric guitar and fish!
Where can readers find out more about your work?

Go online to for more info. Thank you!