309 Years Later (Author Interview)


309 Years Later looks like an exciting dystopian story.  Can you tell us a little about it?

An adventure of a passionate physicist, chosen to travel 309 years in the future to study the effect of overpopulation. But the mission goes awry when he lands in a strange dystopian world as a condemned prisoner on death row


Any plans to turn it into a series?

Not really, I intended from the beginning to make it one book, so I like to keep things authentic.


That’s an amazing cover.  Can you tell us a little about it?

The clock above indicated the time travel, as for the flower in the center, it’s a sign of romance, and the knight represent a description of the time where the protagonist will land (maybe a distant past or a dystopian future)


What inspired the idea for your book?

I love the time travel, and I always wanted to make something of my own.


How did you come up with the title to your book?

It’s a story told in the 4 holly books, about the men who were trying to escape an unjust system.

They ran into a cave and slept, God made them sleep 309 years, so they could wake up on new world with decent people!

I loved the moral behind the story, whenever you don’t feel good about something, follow your guts and solution will always follow.

Can you tell us a little about Omar?

A man who chose not to follow any example in his life, he rather designed his own, and followed his passion, but things didn’t go well; and when he was about to give up, an agency selected him among 8 billion to travel 3 centuries in the future to save the humanity, although the odds of returning alive were low, but it’s what he always wanted.


Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing 309 Years Later?

I had to write the book four times (changing the structure, event, developing characters) and I was about to go for a fifth version, but I realized that I was looking for perfection, which doesn’t exist.


What do you like to do when not writing?

Running marathons and hiking


Where can readers find out more about your work?

Twitter: Tarikbouchnayf

Instagram: Tarikbouchnayf

Website (still not ready): www.tarikbouchnayf.com