Bondi & the Secret Sleuth Detective Club: The Curious Case of the Secret Message

A charming romp through a world of glimmering lakes, pirate codes and detective dogs!

This is a story all about a quest! In a world dominated by technological distractions, it is also a tale that reminds our children of the joys of friendship and adventure out there, in the real world. It also aims to teach children that everyone has a talent, we all have something to add to a group or situation. All of our differences should be celebrated and appreciated.

Logan, Rafi, Dalia and Bondi are a special group.

For one thing, only three of them are children, the other, Bondi, is a bouncing black Labrador!
They are also all members of the Secret Sleuth Detective Club. They meet in Dalia's attic, the clubs headquarters, whenever a strange mystery or weird happening occurs.

This story is all about the time Logan and Bondi found a very odd message in a bottle by Landlubber Lake.
It was odd because it was very hard to understand.

Why? Because it was written in code, of course!

What kind of code was it?

Did the club work out the meaning of the message?
Did it lead them somewhere bizarre or exciting?
Read on to find out!

Checkout the companion book Mysterious Mazes & Puzzles, Club Member Activity Book where your kids can test their knowledge of what they have read with dozens of original word puzzles with clues pulled right from the pages of Bondi & the Secret Sleuths mysteries!