The Libra: Part 1 (Author Interview)

The Libra looks like an exciting story.  Can you tell us a little about it?

This is about a boy born with exceptional abilities. He is so exceptional that everyone loves him. He's kind of like a ray of sunshine personality wise in addition to his powers, one of which is the ability to read minds or hear thoughts. There's one thing that hates him, and it torments him for being who or what he is.

How many books do you have planned for the series?

The Libra is a novelette. This is book is Part 1. There will be a Part 2. But the character Hassan made his first appearance as a character in my last published vampire book: The Vampire Raequan. (

So you can kind of look at The Libra as a spin off. I am tampering with some other things so The Libra will go on.

That’s an amazing cover.  Can you tell us a little about it?

It was actually designed by Arcane Covers. They did an amazing job. Will be using them in the future for Part 2.

The eyes represent the being that torments him, and he's walking in the woods because this is when he has his first brutal encounter with him.


What inspired the idea for your book?

I'm a libra. I did a lot of research on zodiac signs for fun but I also talked to other libras. We are fun people. We feel vibes. Things like that so I kind of embellished his powers a bit. The character himself is based on a friend I know as well.


Can you tell us a little about Hassan?

Hassan grew up in NJ during a time period when police were brutalizing blacks, so his parents were part of the Black Panthers. He lost his father at an early age. His father was strict. He was the smartest kid in class and loved to read.


How did you come up with the story and ideas in The Libra?

I used this character in a book before this one (The Vampire Raequan) and wanted to do more with him, like explain how he came to be what he is. He identified himself as A Libra, so I wanted everyone to know what he was.


What do you like to do when not writing?

I like to eat. Cook. I love naps. I enjoy watching movies.

I work a lot though. Full time General Manager.


Where can readers find out more about your work?

Amazon author page. 


My website


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