The Life of a Quarantined Teen (Author Interview)

The Life of a Quarantined Teen looks like an exciting story.  Can you tell us a little about it?

It’s a story about a year that is all to familiar to us, 2020. While it may seem like such long time ago, it was that year that tested us as a species but ultimately led us to where we are in our lives today. So this story is about a teenage boy who is transitioning to high school by the end of the year. With an interruption to his last year, his whole life gets disrupted. From then on, he goes on quests that break the rules of quarantine, but also allow him to experience freedom in such a stressful time.


Any plans to turn it into a series?

I think so, it wasn’t originally the plan, but I want to see where Jake’s journey takes me. He is such a dynamic and interesting character that I want to further explore.


How long did it take you to write The Life of a Quarantined Teen?

Including the writings, the first draft, the illustrations and the act of publishing, it was a long year and a half before it was available to customers.


What inspired you when writing The Life of a Quarantined Teen?

I was sitting home and me and my younger brother were thinking about a book character that could have lived in 2020, given the circumstances. Because we had created the whole backstory of the character in that one sitting, we decided that we couldn’t let this idea fade. So, we decided to start typing


Can you tell us a little about Jake?

He is a 15 year old boy who is a backbencher, a street smart, sneaky and smart-ass. He relies on his friends a lot and his older brother to help him and/or join him in his crazy plans. His parents are completely oblivious, because like any teenager, he would not tell them what’s going on.


What part of the book was the most fun to write?

I definitely found the 4th chapter fun to write. The drawings were not only challenging, but the context of the story itself at that point was really engaging.


Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing The Life of a Quarantined Teen?

I mostly found the ending challenging. It was difficult to wrap up such a crazy year for my character and to try to leave the audience with a feeling of joy having read the book. It was also difficult to start the story out. It wasn’t simple but it ended up working out for my character. 


What do you like to do when not writing?

I love to do photography, aerial photography, painting, YouTube videos, and sometimes if I’m feeling it, math homework. But I also like developing story ideas for other projects I want to take up in the future.


Where can readers find out more about your work?

If ty go to my Instagram, @applejuiceizay_official, and my YouTube Channel, Izy409 (, they can be in the loop about all my work. They can also visit the book’s Amazon page to buy my book.


How old is this author?

The author of the book is currently 16 years old.


How can I read this?

The Life of a Quarantined Teen is available in e-book form for those who own an Amazon Kindle and a physical copy, both available through Amazon.