Confessions of a (Maybe) Heel Striker: poems (Author Interview)

Confessions of a (Maybe) Heel Striker looks like a great poetry book.  What can you tell us about it?

Confessions of a (Maybe) Heel Striker is a merging of two passions of mine: running and poetry! This chapbook is comprised of eighteen poems on running. Topics include pacing, running in the rain, getting lost in space, and more!

Any plans to turn it into a series?

I’m working on assembling a complete collection of poems and hoping to have them published by the end of 2023. This will be considered a separate book from the chapbook.

I may consider releasing an expanded edition of Confessions of a (Maybe) Heel Striker in the event I write more poems on running in the future.

That’s an amazing cover.  Can you tell us about it?

Thanks! I get a lot of my running in during the early morning or at night and wanted the cover to convey that experience. I feel the cover ties in well with a poem in there titled Lost Among the Stars.

The silhouette of a shoe seemed appropriate for a chapbook on running.

What section or poem did you have the most fun writing?

It’s hard to choose just one. Each poem has its own unique experience as it unfolds while being written. A few of my personal favorites are Good to See Ya!, Bo, and The Steep Hill Down the Street from My House. Running into Bo (a black Lab) is one my favorite parts of my runs, and I’m hoping to see him later today.

What inspired the idea for the book?

I challenged myself to writing a poem every day during National Poetry Month in April 2023. After writing a few poems on running, I decided to run with that theme and committed to creating a chapbook.

How did you come up with the title for the book?

It’s a title to one of the poems, and I felt that title best summarized the book as a whole. It’s also more interesting than a title of another poem in there, I Don’t Want to Run Today, which just doesn’t sound as fun and mysterious.

Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing Confessions of a (Maybe) Heel Striker?

I wrote a few of the poems in my mind while running, and the most challenging part was trying to remember them by the time I made it home.

What do you like to do when not writing?

I’m assuming by now you know I enjoy running (well… most of the time). I also enjoy reading, occasionally riding my old motorcycle (currently a 93 BMW K75), and spending time with family. My partner, Jessica, and I have three kids so there’s always new adventures on the horizon.

Where can readers find out more about your work?

You can learn more on my website at and on Instagram @david.demro