Easy Home Exercises for Seniors Over 60: 55 Simple Steps to Stay Strong, Mobile and Independent (Author Interview)


Easy Home Exercises for Seniors Over 60 looks like a great book.  What can you tell us about it?  It’s a book for you if you’re a senior (or know of one) interested in “reclaiming” your life due to pains or lack of mobility - and to the many out there who fear losing their independence.  A number of us avoid exercise because we just don’t know how to do it, or because we think we’re just “too old”.  This book helps to dispel that kind of thinking.

Any plans for your next book?  I’m currently thinking about what to write about next.  I may do another exercise book - perhaps more focused on those who may be bedridden or wheelchair bound, or maybe a book on ways to support/guide caregivers to family or others who may have physical limitations, dementia, and other challenges.  I think it’s my social worker background that wants to make sure we take care of the unsung heroes in this world.

Who did you write the book for?  I’m presently helping to care for my elderly mother who is almost 95 years old.  Her mind is quite intact, but she does need some assistance moving about.  Her grit and perseverance has always inspired me (and still does), and I think part of her staying power comes from the fact that she was physically active for much of her life.  I see other seniors who are much younger but who are stiff, inactive, and who have a host of medical issues.  Hopefully, this book will help seniors (or anyone) retain or regain their physical selves and, in the process, also brighten their outlook on life.

What section did you have the most fun writing? Each of the exercises in the book includes a section on Why that particular exercise is good for you as well as instruction on How to do it.  Many books help you go through the physical movements so that you perform each one correctly.  For me, however, writing about why the exercise will help seniors with everyday tasks and activities was the most fun.  It helped to imbed in my mind how even simple things that are easy and routine for most people (opening jars, carrying shopping bags, using the stairs) may pose challenges for seniors. 

What inspired the idea for the book?  As I mentioned a bit earlier, my elderly mom was the initial inspiration for me to get started on this book.  But really, it’s for me, too.  I’m in my 60s and although I’m quite active with no physical limitations, I know that I need to take care of my body as I age so that I can keep my strength and mobility in optimum shape for as long as I can.  I want to make sure that I don’t miss out on living life fully and that I can continue to explore the outdoors, travel, engage with friends, and continuing contributing to society.

How did you come up with the title for the book?  The title actually communicates exactly what to expect:  It’s an exercise book, it’s for the senior members of our community, the exercises are easy to do, and they can all be done in the comfort of your home.  I wanted to let the reader know that anyone can do these simple exercises and that the reward for doing so will be a body that can move around more easily, perform more tasks, and therefore remain independent for a longer time.

Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing Easy Home Exercises for Seniors Over 60?  As with other issues or subjects that we come across in life, it is often tempting to be fancy, use gimmicks or try to be over-the-top just so we can stand out in the crowd.  The hard part in many cases, however, is to remain simple and to convey the pure essence of what you’re trying to communicate.  I think I did a pretty good job at staying true to that by focusing on the particular muscles and body parts that each exercise is meant to help.  Exercise is not difficult and is there for anyone to easily incorporate - even if a person has never exercised before.  I think this book helps to convey that message.

What do you like to do when not writing?  I’m pretty active, so I like to spend my time on walks or runs, going to the gym, swimming, sailing, and just being fully engaged.  Even in my 60s and although I no longer practice law, I still have regular massage therapy clients, I’m on the board of a youth non-profit, I oversee a Trust, help care for my mom and also have a couple of renters to manage.  Reading is a big part of my life, too, whether it’s fiction on non-fiction, and I place great value on continuing to learn things even as a senior.