inspired you to write "THE UNIVERSE IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS," and
how did the journey of writing this book begin for you?
I was
inspired to write this book by an entity that I refer to as “The
Configurator”. You probably refer to
this entity as “God”. The Configurator
gave me the knowledge and understanding that I needed to write this book. The Configurator also gave me the ability to
write the book. I would have never been
able to write this book on my own. Not
in a million years. If I had to write
the book over again, I doubt that I would be able to reproduce the same
book. So why did the Configurator have
me write the book? The human race is at
a crossroads. There are 2 directions
that we can take. We can go right and
head down the road to enlightenment, peace, and prosperity or we can go left
and head down the road to annihilation and possible extinction. I believe that we are currently headed in the
wrong direction. I believe that it is my
responsibility to help the world change course and head down the road to
enlightenment, peace, and prosperity.
Many of us are under the impression that the Earth was put here for us. The fact is we were put here for the
Earth. We can no longer treat the world
like it’s our personal dumpster.
title itself is quite provocative. What reactions or thoughts do you hope to
elicit from readers even before they delve into the content?
I hope that
when people read the title, they will know that they are finally about to get
the truth. I want people to read the
title and realize that they are about to get real answers. I want people to know that they are not about
to read a book of theory and speculation.
Those are the responses that I hope the title elicits. By the way I knew exactly what the title was
going to be when I started writing the book.
There was no deliberation.
the book, you challenge the foundations of both religion and science. Can you
discuss the pivotal moment or experience that led you to question these
established paradigms?
I grew up a
Christian, but I became an atheist for most of my adult life. There is no way that anybody could convince
me that God existed. This is because I
never believed in religion. So, like
most that don’t believe in religion, I turned to science and the theory of
evolution. That theory never sat well
with me either. Neither science nor
religion never led me to any logical conclusions. One day I was talking to my friend Maurio and
something that he said to me led to me doing something peculiar when I got
home. I asked out loud that if God really
existed to let me know. I asked God to
make himself known to me if he really existed.
I asked it in a mocking way never expecting to receive any answer. Boy, was I surprised. The Configurator made himself known to
me. The creator of everything in
existence made himself known to me in a number line. Everything became clear to me. This is when I became The Modern Day
Prophet. There is only one way to know
and understand what God is, and that is mathematically. There is no other way. Now, back to science. The theory of evolution is the greatest lie
ever told. It has no basis in reality
whatsoever. It is an absolute disgrace
that we teach our children this nonsense in school. Religion is a little truth mixed with a lot
of lies. The theory of evolution is an
absolute lie. No truth to it
whatsoever. Any science that begins with
the theory of evolution is not science at all.
Any science that does not acknowledge a creator is not science at
all. Any science that is not based on
mathematics is not science.
mention that many of us run into "brick walls" while searching for
truth. Can you share a personal experience of hitting such a wall and how it
transformed your perspective?
The brick
walls that I ran into were religion and science. There were no logical conclusions to be found
in either. Religion is a little bit of
truth mixed with a lot of fairy tales.
We have been indoctrinated with the fairy tales for so long that the
fairy tales have become reality for many people. The theory of evolution is far worse. That is the biggest deception ever told. The theory of evolution is the opposite of
How do
you envision readers will apply the revelations and insights from your book in
their daily lives?
This is
what I need readers to take from the book.
The Earth is the oxygen element of this Solar System. The most important thing on this planet is
the balance of carbon and oxygen in the atmosphere. Nothing is more important than that. Not human life. Not animal life. Not ocean life or plant life. The reason that we all exist inside of these
ecological systems is to maintain that balance.
I believe we are negatively offsetting that balance. There are 4 things that the world must
address immediately:
amount of carbon we are dumping into the atmosphere – we must decrease the
amount of carbon that we are putting into the atmosphere through our cars, our
factories, our planes, etc. We need a
technological revolution to make that happen.
amount of chemicals that we are dumping into the oceans and rivers – this
behaviour must stop. We must devise of a
safe, secure way to dispose of these hazardous chemicals other than our oceans
and rivers.
overpopulation of the earth - the Earth is probably overpopulated by at least 2
billion people. All these people breathe
oxygen and exhale carbon monoxide. This
is another massive carbon dump into our atmosphere. The most humane way to deal with this in my
opinion is to limit the number of children that we are bringing into the world.
number of nuclear weapons in this world must be drastically reduced – nuclear
weapons have no place in an enlightened society. They are the epitome of unintelligence. They serve no benefit to mankind whatsoever. Their only purpose is to destroy humanity and
to destroy the Earth. Let me give you a
scenario. If we were to engage in
nuclear war and we ended up destroy the Earth to the point it could no longer
function as an oxygen atom. That would
mean the complete destruction of the Solar System. The Earth, the Sun, the other 7 planets all
destroyed in a black hole. That’s what
the black holes are there for. Nuclear
weapons are just not worth the risk. 90%
of all nuclear weapons should be decommissioned and the parts should be
salvaged. The only reason I would even
keep 10% is in case of an external threat. Nuclear weapons must never be used on any
nation on Earth for any reason. It is
tine to use our nuclear technology for mass creation as opposed to mass
boldly claim that you're the only person "uniquely qualified" to
explain the true reality of our existence. Can you elaborate on what makes your
perspective so unique and unparalleled?
I believe
that the Configurator has chosen me to be the prophet currently. I don’t believe that I am the first
prophet. I believe that there were many
prophets before me. Hopefully there will
be many prophets after me. If that is
too much for the readers to reconcile, once they read my book it will become
clear who I am. At least it will become
clear to intelligent readers. There is
no other book like this in the world.
There is no one else in the world that would be able to write this book.
concept of explaining "the unexplainable" is intriguing. How do you
approach topics that have been deemed incomprehensible or beyond human
understanding for centuries?
That is the
funny thing. We have been lied to and
misled for hundreds if not thousands of years.
We have been led to believe that things are unexplainable. The 3 major reasons for that way of thinking
are Islam, Christianity, and the theory of evolution. The truth is I can explain the unexplainable
because nothing is unexplainable.
Everything can be explained.
There is an answer for absolutely everything. Even if we don’t know the answers, the
answers still exist.
book is referred to as the "New Bible for the Enlightened Age." How
do you see this "Enlightened Age" unfolding, and what role do you
believe your book plays in this era
This is
what I hope the enlightened age will be.
First and foremost, in the enlightened age we will have figured out how
to maintain the appropriate balance of oxygen and carbon in the
atmosphere. That is the most important
thing. After that, I want to live in a
world where we don’t have to create boogeymen.
I want to live in a world where nations aren’t enemies with each
other. I want to live in a world that is
peaceful and prosperous. In the
enlightened age there would be no starving countries. There would be no threat of nuclear war. There would be no war at all. In my vision of an enlightened age countries
would be able to compete against each other in a spirit of friendship and
fairness without feeling the need to murder each other. Many of us are waiting for God to give us
paradise. God will never give us
paradise. God gave us the intellect to
create our own paradise. The only
paradise that will ever exist is the paradise that we create. I want the enlightened age to be the best
Earth that has ever existed. I hope that
my book gives me the credibility that I need to assist the world in making
these changes.
Can you
give us a glimpse into your process? How did you go about researching and
gathering information, especially for such contentious topics like the nature
of the Universe and the existence of God?
I would say
that my process started with Egyptian mathematics. I googled it and then read everything that I
could find. The ancient Egyptians were
very good at applying mathematics to nature.
That is what started me on my path.
I started applying mathematics to things until I eventually got to God. As I stated before that is how the
Configurator made themselves known to me.
To put that into perspective for you, when I look at the “0” I see
metaphysical, infinity, balance, and creation.
I’ve also studied the periodic table of elements quite a bit. I’ve had to brush up on my mathematics,
geometry, and chemistry. During this
process I was somehow able to teach myself sacred geometry. I also want to say that I refer to God as The
Configurator, because for me a mathematical term is more fitting than a
religious one.
now that readers have this "motherload of truths," what would be your
advice for them moving forward, especially when interacting with others who
might still be entrenched in traditional religious or scientific beliefs?
I have done
everything in my power so far to bring the truth to the people. I wrote a book containing the truth. I published the book. Now I am promoting the book. I will answer any questions that anyone has
about the book. The one thing that I can
not do is force anyone to accept what I am saying as the truth. People will have to draw their own
conclusions. I realize that it will not
be easy for some people to overcome hundreds of years of brainwashing and
indoctrination. For those that the book
does resonate with, let me say this. The
balance of oxygen and carbon in our atmosphere is more important than anything
else. Through our actions we are
negatively impacting that balance. For
us to truly enter an age of enlightenment there are things that we must change
immediately. Let me reiterate:
must stop dumping so much carbon into our atmosphere through the use of our
must stop dumping these hazardous chemicals into our oceans and rivers.
must do something about the overpopulation of the planet.
must drastically reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world.
If we are
willing to make these changes, we will have the opportunity to enter into an
age of enlightenment, peace, and prosperity.
If we are not willing to make these changes and we stay the present
course, then we will eventually have to deal with the alternative. I can say with 100% certainty that nobody
wants the alternative. Nobody wants
Thank you
for allowing me to share my views with your readers.