Unleash Your Potential: A Journey to Empowerment (Author Interview)


What inspired you to write "Unleash Your Potential"? Did any personal experiences drive you to explore the topic of empowerment in such depth?

Many years ago, I found myself in a psychological deadlock due to the nature of my work, external factors, and personal relationships that seemed to be crumbling before me. I was selfish and tried to justify all the negative moments as being caused by other people. I read several self-improvement books and secretly practiced what I had learned with friends and family. I noticed that everything was changing for the better, and this helped me dig deeper into myself and improve whatever made me feel bad.

I had always been the rebel in my family. I developed my skills significantly when I used to work for a multinational company in the sales field. I managed to be the best and build a dynamic and excellent relationship with my clients, which boosted my self-confidence. What I essentially changed was the discipline within myself in everything I did. My discipline gave me proper time management, and this, in turn, allowed me to analyze different aspects of my character.

You can't change your life in a day, but your life can change in a day! To change the way people perceive you, you must first change yourself. All these internal changes led me to take life coaching courses and study body language. I considered writing my first book three years ago, but I felt I wasn't ready. I dedicated myself to helping people who faced daily life challenges and couldn't manage their lives. I stood by their side and helped them regain control of their lives.

In their faces, I saw myself. Many years ago, I had suicidal tendencies and had fallen into deep depression. I know what it means to experience mental darkness and to feel suffocated by the exhausting daily routine we go through. This drove me to transfer all my knowledge and techniques, just a part of it, into my first book. I didn't write it to receive good reviews, but if even one person can improve and develop their personality and mindset for the better, it will be a blessing and success for me.


The book promises to take readers on a "transformative journey". How did your own personal journey inform the lessons and insights you share?

My personal journey is not different from that of other people. We all find ourselves on the wheel of life; it's just that each person chooses which spoke of the wheel to emphasize. Some focus on family, others on their careers, and some on personal happiness. I wasn't happy with my life. My own wheel of life had broken, and I felt helpless. One day, I read online that the best way to understand where you are and what the positives and negatives are is to write them down on a blank piece of paper. The result shocked me with what I wrote.

So, I started a new list with all the changes I wanted to make. The journey was long but beautiful.


You touch upon the concept of overcoming limiting beliefs. Can you share an example of a limiting belief you held and how you overcame it?

What always held me back was the belief that I didn't have the ability to succeed anywhere. In school, I was a poor student and didn't go to university. I felt like I wouldn't make it. My subconscious discouraged me from taking a step forward. Our defense mechanism and the way we train our minds are the most critical factors in our development. To overcome this erroneous belief, I began to analyze and examine the other side, the "what if." I gradually started to change it, not caring about the result. I read many books and began to develop skills that would give me the confidence to change my thinking from "I can't" to "I can." This allowed me to view life with a more optimistic and dynamic outlook, succeed in many areas of my life, and lead my life to a state of complete harmony and happiness with myself.


In today’s world, many people grapple with negative self-talk and anxiety. How does your book provide strategies to counteract these challenges, and what makes them effective?

The negative thoughts that we all have, without exception, are a burden we unconsciously give to our minds and bodies, depleting all our energy resources. Before something happens in our lives, we've already given the verdict to our minds and bodies, simply waiting for the inevitable. However, if you understand that these negative thoughts and beliefs are purely your own creation, you can regulate and filter out any negativity trying to enter your mind. They are remnants of past beliefs and barriers you had.

Essentially, you're letting the past shape your future. Everyone with negative thoughts should ask themselves whether this negative thought is a fact or simply a hypothetical fear from the past. Mistakes only define you when you allow yourself to accept that you can't correct them. Have you ever wondered why some friends or even family members continue to believe in and love us despite our mistakes? Not everyone sees your mistake, but they recognize the greatness within your soul and what you can offer.

Stand by people and friends who see this potential hidden within you. Do things that bring you joy and set small but achievable goals. Yes, you should feel proud of every small goal you achieve. Who determines your success and happiness with each beautiful step? Only you.


The power of setting and achieving SMART goals is a prominent feature of your book. Why do you think this specific goal-setting framework is so powerful, especially when it comes to personal empowerment?

Setting SMART goals is crucial as it clarifies in our minds exactly what we want and how we will achieve it. By having a goal in place, we harness all our powers to reach it. An example from my personal life that demonstrates the power of SMART goals: Many years ago, facing challenges that were affecting my life, I reached a weight of 129 kilograms (approximately 20.23 stones). I needed to take a step in my life to protect my health. I determined how many times I would exercise each week, how many meals I would consume, and what I wanted the result to be in three months. Everything I thought and set was measurable and not vague at all. This gives you the strength and motivation within to have self-discipline, time management, a roadmap, and a final outcome. And yes, I managed to lose 30 kilograms and participate in Spartan Race events, finishing the 9-mile races. Therefore, it is essential to have measurable goals, not vague ones.


Resilience is a key theme throughout your book. Can you share a personal story or a pivotal moment in your life when resilience played a crucial role?


The moment when resilience played a crucial role in my life was back in 2007 when I was facing a challenging period in my career. I found myself at a crossroads, torn between two choices: to continue working in a successful but unfulfilling job or to take a completely different path in my career and life, pursuing my childhood dream. I realized that life is too short to remain in a place that doesn't resonate with your true self.

I wanted to explore my capabilities and discover new avenues and skills. The transition wasn't easy, and I encountered many obstacles that often made me doubt myself. However, my resilience kept me on the path despite the adverse circumstances. What reassured me was the passion I had and my desire to improve every day. This resilience eventually led to success in my new journey, and today, I feel justified and satisfied with the decision and the change.

This experience taught me how important it is to embrace change and follow our dreams. No matter how challenging it may seem, we should always remember that it's our passion and what we genuinely love. You never regret pursuing something you love and truly desire.


One of the promises of your book is that by the end, readers will have the potential to positively impact their community. Can you expand on this idea? How does personal empowerment translate to community empowerment?

As human beings, whether we like it or not, our actions and interactions with others create an impact, big or small. Each one of us should see ourselves as a model of social behavior. It doesn't matter what profession you have to make a living. Every action and behavior of yours affects the whole. A negative image of you will build walls and alienation from the social whole, but if it's positive, it will influence everyone around you, and the extent of that impact, no one really knows.

A great way to make a positive impact is through volunteer work. You can find organizations that allow you to share your skills and time with others. Together, you can create a community to help those in need. Sharing your thoughts and ideas with others can have a profound effect. This energy will greatly influence the organization's growth, recognition, as well as your personal empowerment and that of your network.

It will allow you to connect with other organizations from different communities, and through collaborations, you will create a network for solving common problems. As a result, what you initially thought will, in the future, have an impact on everyone. So, let's join hands and make a positive difference in the world.


Communication and building healthy relationships are essential components of personal growth. Can you provide a tip or insight from your book that readers can implement immediately in their daily lives?

Communication has always been and will remain the most vital component for building healthy relationships, both on a personal and professional level. Effective communication forms the foundation of trust. Everything hinges on communication, whether it pertains to family, career, friendship, or our role within a community, among many other aspects of life.

One example I'd like to share with readers, which many might already be familiar with, is the practice of active listening. In this fast-paced era we live in, we often forget how to communicate effectively because everyone is striving to get what they need in the shortest amount of time. Unfortunately, this can lead to misunderstandings at all levels of interaction. Active listening is a concept that everyone should apply.

In every conversation, take the time to genuinely listen to the other person. Show a real interest in what they are saying, and resist the urge to interrupt or think about what you'll say next. Active listening demonstrates respect for the other person and allows you to better understand their needs, concerns, and perspectives. In return, it fosters trust and will eventually benefit you as well.

When you engage in active listening, look the person in the eye, maintain an open body posture facing them, and use your body language to convey that you are fully present. These actions help the other person feel heard and valued. People often grapple with psychological sensitivities and turn to psychologists because there's no one to listen to them, touch them, or look them in the eye and say, "I'm here for you."

My advice is to put your mobile phones away when you're with friends, family, or even at a professional dinner. As human beings, we have lost touch with this essential aspect of communication. You can replace your mobile phone at any time, but you can never replace the people in your life—your friends, your family, or the ones you care about most.


Your book emphasizes the idea of not "becoming someone else" but blossoming into the best version of oneself. How do you define the "best version" of oneself, and how can someone identify when they've reached it?

A very good question that, of course, I couldn't analyze as much as I can at this moment, but I will provide the direction needed so that all readers can understand that there is no perfection in anything in the world, including ourselves.

Becoming the best version of oneself is not a journey you complete in a month or five years. It's impossible, and no one can claim that. It's a daily self-improvement process that revolves around your core values, principles, and beliefs that already guide your life.

One crucial aspect of building yourself is authenticity. You should be comfortable with yourself and your behavior but stay true to who you are. Don't try to change your characteristics to gain approval from others. If you do it for them, be prepared for them to control your life. There will come a day when you'll tire of pretending, and you'll realize that everything will crumble in a day. Stay authentic, and those who appreciate you for who you are will remain.

Another aspect you should address is finding happiness in life. Enjoy every moment and genuinely do what you want.

Lastly, and very importantly, is self-acceptance. Be friendly with yourself and avoid punishing yourself with harsh self-criticism. You won't change anything by doing that and only humble yourself. Provide the care your inner self needs, the care you would want.

Remember that as you evolve, your understanding of the best version of yourself can change. The keys to staying committed to personal development, self-awareness, and authenticity are these.


What's next for you in terms of your upcoming projects or books? Can you provide some insights into the creative endeavors you're currently involved in, or any future plans you have for your work?

It's an exciting time for me. Right now, I'm working on my first fiction novel. It has a direct connection to self-improvement books, and I'm using many elements from my personal life, which I can say wasn't easy at all. I hope readers will embrace this effort, and I aim to reward them with a beautiful journey.

The second self-improvement book, which I'll give a timeline extension, is about unlocking your thought process with practical exercises and questions that will engage the reader throughout. What I'd like to convey to everyone is that no matter what problems life throws at you and how dark things may seem, remember that the light is always at the end. But most importantly of all, 'nothing ends unless you decide it to be.' We are incredible beings with tremendous inner strength and abilities, and each of us has the power to transform our lives into absolute happiness and harmony. Thank you very much.