Polished steel: Lessons from the dojo
Discover the wise words and life lessons gleaned from Sensei as he uses everyday dojo practice to encourage his students to learn and grow. Polished Steel recounts entertaining and amusing tales and lessons that have been learned by a range of students from different backgrounds, each of whom discovered some humility from their experience, but learned important life lessons at the same time.
Martial arts teaches more than just defense, it teaches humility, respect, and strength. This book is a collection of stories from the dojo featuring various students as they learn lifelong lessons.
Written with style and humour, Polished Steel will have you laughing and smiling while nodding in agreement throughout. Delve inside, learn something new and leave your ego with your shoes, at the door…
Join Mary, Edmund, Simon, and other students in the dojo as they learn important life lessons from their Sensei. There are no shortcuts in life and training with Sensei provides the tools to traverse it. This collection of stories beautifully illustrates these teachings through simple but effective lessons that you can use in your own life.
The stories in this book, with an accompanying haiku, cover many of the principles of several martial arts, as well as body, mind, spirit and life-lessons. In fact, it is likely that there will be something for everyone to learn inside.
What do people say about the book?
"A wonderfully refreshing read, which should be on the bookshelf of any/every serious student of traditional Budo." Patrick McCarthy, Hanshi
“Wow! I truly enjoyed reading this book. Your writing voice is unique and your style flows beautifully!” – Catherine
“Love the book and the stories in it. Good luck with the sales.” – Russ
"Perfect leisure time read." - International Book Promotion
"Have had to force myself to take a break from reading your wonderful book. Am thoroughly enjoying it and also being taught a number of lessons! " - Gill