An unimaginable story spanning over two decades. A father and his daughter, Sarah, are subjected to a mental and emotional war conducted by the mother, Kaitlyn. Forced to endure her narcissistic, sociopathic behaviors, Sarah and her father struggle to maintain and enjoy their relationship.
Compelled to remain in his daughter’s life and rescue her from this ordeal, the father must learn to traverse the court system, while supporting his daughter during this battle of attrition. Will Sarah and her father survive Kaitlyn’s unrelenting onslaught?
TEAR is not only an emotional, evocative, compelling story, but it also offers the reader an abundance of knowledge and information. Whether you are a parent, contemplating divorce/separation or a single father, you will benefit from this book as it touches on topics such as: restraining orders, divorce, custody, child support, visitation, court motions/hearings/process/judgements, taxes, medical insurance, DSS Department of Social Services, DOR Department of Revenue- Child Support Enforcement, fathers’ rights, therapy, co-parenting and more.