E.A.T.: An unconventional decade in the life of a cancer patient.


E.A.T.: An unconventional decade in the life of a cancer patient was written in journal format, and based on the 18 journals Kathy Mydlach-Bero kept during her battle with two rare and aggressive cancers and her struggle to recover from debilitating treatments. It’s an intimate portrait, chronicling the frustrations and hardships of taking on cancer within the context of the U.S. healthcare system while illuminating the path she traveled to become a self-advocate, evolve as a person and eventually transform her life from merely surviving to thriving. If you or someone you love is suffering from chronic disease or you are simply looking for a more proactive approach to wellness, this is a must read. It offers hope and inspiration to those struggling with chronic disease, their caregivers and healthcare providers, and really anyone seeking a preventative and integrative approach to staying healthy. 

What are people saying:
"I don't have cancer but know many who do. I expected that this book would be mostly clinical in nature and was happy to find that it was so much more. Kathy opened her heart not only to what she experienced physically and in the world of medicine, but also emotionally and the impact on not just her, but her family and loved ones. Personally, my biggest take away was the power of advocacy and the need for people with chronic and serious conditions to be their own advocate. Kathy’s journey of unwavering courage to kick cancer’s ass and put it all out there to help others is an inspiration and provides great hope to us all.” -Andy

“Once I started it, I couldn't put it down. Not only was the research and writing great (her self-knowledge and analysis especially impressive), but I actually felt as if I was going through the same things emotionally was I was reading about her experiences--not only the physical symptoms but also dealing with other people's (sometimes inappropriate) reactions to her illness. The advice about cancer-fighting and anti-inflammatory foods is also especially helpful for everyone, not just people already ill.” -Glenda

Follow Kathy Mydlach-Bero on Facebook, Twitter @kathybero1, Instagram kathybero or on her website www.kathymydlachbero.com