Hidden Goddess Revealed: Book 2

Hidden Goddess Revealed – Book 2 picks up where Book 1 left off. Dee’s father, Solomon, continues to protect and nurture his divine child, and she is set to enter the first of the 6 secret mystery schools when she turns twelve. Solomon is poisoned and dies in January 1977, an untimely death that leaves Dee in the care of her Mom, an adversary who was manipulated into suppressing her youngest and only divine child. All alone in the world, Dee navigates the labyrinth of obstacles placed in her way and is led off her true path. She endures years of traumatic ritual abuse to suppress her memories, powers, and stop her rise. Before Solomon came to his end, he leaves Dee a golden chest of precious gems, knowledge and other material wealth to ensure all her needs in life are met. It was all taken away. In the strange and vicious world that Dee is left all alone in; manipulation, theft, and abuse surround her, but through it all she remains kind. Her only hope was to locate her King, the 77 Man of her dreams that she came to earth for. Dee eventually finds him, and after 30 years of marriage, it still took 29 years to retrieve the suppressed memories locked away in the corners of her mind. Through divine spiritual intervention, Dee recovered her lost memories on July 7, 2014, and privately shared her journey with her King, and now we share it with the world. Our sword of truth. 7117 Hiddengoddessrevealed.com