Passive Income Generating Methods, looks like a great start to a wonderful series. How far along is book two?
Book two is currently being proofread and edited. I plan to launch the book on 1 April. 2018.
What do you think makes a great success guide?
The ability to spoon-feed people information in a clear and concise fashion.
What inspired you when writing Passive Income Generating Methods?
I became sick with a rare disease and was stuck in a wheel chair and wasn’t sure if I’d be able to walk again. Figured I needed to find another way to generate income from the comfort of my wheelchair at home.
What are your ambitions for your writing career? Full time? Part time?
My writing career is a part time gig for the moment. I still have to work my online stores and gather more knowledge for the book series.
When did you decide to become a writer?
I joined the Army on September 11, 2001. After several years in the Army, I became a Signal warrant officer. As a warrant officer we are required to write Tactic, Techniques and Procedures (TTP’s) for soldiers to follow. This required great detail and was also designed for the lay individual to understand. Pretty much spoon-feeding the audience.
When writing Passive Income Generating Methods did anything stand out as particularly challenging?
All in all, I would say coming up with structure for the book was a challenge at first.
How did you come up with the ideas and concepts in Passive Income Generating Methods?
Online research and execution.
What do you like to do when not writing?
I enjoy spending time with my kids and animals. I also enjoy shooting pool from time to time and I love to fish.