Right Brain Marketing (Author Interview)

Right Brain Marketing, looks like a great marketing book. Any plans for additional similar topic books? … Possibly! I am currently 80% done with my next book currently, gotta stay active. Body in motion stays in motion. There has been talks with the team for me to do a series where I focus on different types of creatives and how to market those passions even better.

What do you think makes a great marketing guide?
I feel like i would have to say my book is a perfect guide to helping anyone, whether at infancy stage in business or full maturity. This book simplifies the industry jargon to provide simple, easy to follow strategies for turning your passions into profits so you can earn the money you deserve!

What inspired you when writing Right Brain Marketing?
That is a great question! I was inspired to write this book because ever since I went to college in 2009 at 17 years old, I have been on a mission to help CreativePrenuers TM stay creative and create even more profits from their creative passions!

What are your ambitions for your writing career? Full time? Part time? Full time …As long as I am here in this world i will provide high value content via books, courses and seminars!

When did you decide to become a writer?

When writing Right Brain Marketing did anything stand out as particularly challenging?
The most challenging part about writing this book was actually being comfortable to let it go and put it out to the world.

How did you come up with the ideas and concepts in Right Brain Marketing?
The ideas and concepts in this book came from years of studying the greats and strategies that I’ve used over time with my clients nationwide.

What do you like to do when not writing?
When I am not writing I like to brainstorm on next steps to take my business and brand to the next level. I also enjoy playing basketball and getting continued education by going to seminars and industry related conferences.

How can readers discover more about you and your work?
www.CreativePassionsIntoProfits.com (Get 50% off Copy When You Purchase Book Today) / www.OasirisYates.com