The Corncrib Fort looks like a scary crime
thriller. Any plans to turn it into a
No plans to continue as the story ends, leaving the reader
to wonder if what happens next.
How did you come up with the story in The Corncrib
Write about what you know, is the motto for aspiring
I grew up on a small farm in the 1970s and 1980s. My
brothers and I had many hay forts and tree forts. But our favorite was the fort
we built in the old corncrib. I thought this would make an interesting and
unique setting for the story.
In 1985 I took a job with the Michigan Department of
Corrections. Before the Ypsilanti State Hospital finally closed in 1991, many
of the criminally insane inmates were brought inside the walls of Jackson
Prison’s Central Complex. I read many pre-sentence investigation reports and had
direct contact with many sociopaths. I assimilated some of those inmates’
attributes into the story.
Can you tell us a little about the characters in The
Corncrib Fort?
Many characters in the farming community of Thorn River are
based upon real people, while others are fictional. There was an old couple
that argued most of the day, who owned property with access to a morrow pit
where we fished. She loved her Red Man chew tobacco and he loved his Buick. Many
examples within the story relate directly to childhood memories.
The sociopathic character was partially based upon an inmate
I knew in the late 1980s named Dominick Piccone. He had come to prison
in 1942 for killing the judge who had sentenced him to a two-year term. I called
him a “circuit breaker sociopath.” He murdered seven inmates during his
fifty-plus years inside the walls. Each time, he handed the shank over to
guards without any emotional change. A dead
man at his feet, yet his mind seemed somewhere else. Somehow, he could break
the circuit between stimulus and response. It was as though he were handing the
guard an ink pen.
When did you decide to become
a writer?
It was in the 6th grade. Although I didn’t like
school and much-preferred fort building, fishing and farming, it was an
assignment I had turned in that made me dream of being a writer. I only
received an average grade on the paper, but the teacher praised me for having a
great imagination and encouraged me to keep writing stories. It was in 2012 I
finally wrote The Corncrib Fort.
When writing The Corncrib Fort did anything stand
out as particularly challenging?
Keeping a storyline going with events that cover 25 years
was more difficult than I had anticipated. There was a lot of going back and
rewriting to make certain the flow of the story made sense.
What do you like to do when not writing?
I’ve been building and remodeling homes for forty years and
enjoy the work. It’s challenging and there’s always a nice sense of
accomplishment when finishing a job.
Where can readers find out more
about your work?
My work
can be seen on Amazon, Pinterest and other sites. I’m working with Fiverr
promoters to bring attention to the book.