Work Ethic Sensation looks like a great book. What type of reader is the book for?
are never too old or too young to change. This book is for everyone who
believes in change and does not want to cling to the status quo. The comfort
zone could turn out to be a real addiction. You can pick as much cozier alternatives
as you want in life but in the long run that would rip you apart. You do not
always have to do great things. Just do whatever you can in a great way.
Besides, the goal should be to live a life worth living. A life that inspires
at least a single soul on the planet. A life that positively impacts at least
one person during his lifetime. A life that persuades at least one person to
believe that dreams do come true. None of that is possible if you succumb to
inaction, laziness, and procrastination. In Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, Lord Krishna
stated – “Perform your obligatory duty because the action is indeed better
than inaction.”
If I
strictly must select only one age group as the primary audience of the book,
that would be the youths in their teens and 20s. However, no age group is
immune to the principles in the book. It is always better to live with pain and
pride of a positive action than to live with the regret of comfortable
inaction. As Karen Lamb said-"A year from now you will wish you had
started today." I have dedicated this book to my family and all those
great souls who will genuinely work towards building a world-class work ethic
after reading the book. This book is so simple that even the most notorious
fiction lovers would have no difficulty in understanding and applying the
wisdom into their lives.
inspired you when writing The Work Ethic Sensation?
the world around us. You see, there are millions of people who feel overwhelmed
in this modern world. We are literally being bombarded with information and
content all around the web for passive consumption. With the constant pressure
to perform in study or work, finding even an hour outside school or office to
work on yourself seems impossible. A person without a strong work ethic will
most certainly stumble at point of time or the other. In addition, there are
people advocating about passion or demonizing academics, grades, and jobs. This
adds to the confusion. A naive mind would certainly look for a quick fix and
may turn into countless options of escapism in the form of alcohol, drugs, sex,
Netflix binges that may turn into an addiction. Nevertheless, the problem is soaring more so
than ever.
I started learning about these issues in every way I could. I started sharing
my knowledge writing for websites like medium, quora, medchrome, inspiration
unlimited magazine, and others. About a year ago, I felt that I could reach a
greater audience with all the wisdom packed into a book. I distilled among all
the possible topics I write about and felt that this was the book I must write
for the global youth. At the same time, I was completely aware of the reading
habits of digital age youth.
people simply do not read a book apart from their academic obligation. Many are
exclusive fiction lovers. Many people disregard the book just because of its
volume. Owing to all these facts, I have created the book to be as short and
simple as possible. I want everyone to start working on their work ethics the
moment they start reading my book. If you merely read my book and went on with
your usual life, that is a plain waste at so many different levels but mainly
loss of a soul that could have achieved greatness. I do not want them to be
completely exhausted by my long book that they would never bother to touch,
complete, or apply in their lives.
short, this book is for everyone who wants to rise above mediocrity with hard
work and patience. Entertainment is fine. Relaxation is great. However,
enjoying as much as you can is a worthless goal at the cost of the world that
will never remember you ever existed.
did you come up with the ideas in The Work Ethic Sensation?
ideas are ubiquitous. If you conduct a simple Google search, you can clearly
see what most people are looking for. They want answers to their questions and
in many cases, they will get it. The real problem is execution. Knowledge is
nothing more than a rotten piece of garbage if not applied. Instead of working
to build a solid foundation, most people are looking for an overnight
transformation of their work ethics. The solution alone does not work if you do
not work on the solution. I can give a solution to your problem now but you may
have to apply and have the patience for a year to see the results. There is no
quick fix. There is no overnight success. I think this is the realization that
ours and the upcoming generation should deeply reflect upon. The ultimate sense
of entitlement and taking everything for granted. As I have said in the book,
years and years of blood, sweat, and tears simply cannot be resonated with a
warm and cozier bed of roses.
have worked on all the principles I have created, failed, tried, and tried
again. There are countless systems I have developed in my life. If I had not
written the book, those ideas would be buried within me or would only be shared
with a few people. Social media, smoking, drinking, addiction, grades,
motivation, weekend, worry, love, body shaming, time management,
procrastination. The major ideas were derived from the factors that can
influence your work ethic.
anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing The Work Ethic
had the confidence that I could write a long comprehensive book on work ethics.
However, that would have caused my book to be very expensive and intimidating.
I strongly felt that presently the young generation needs practical ideas that
they can directly apply to their lives. In other words, they want ideas to
study hard rather than theories explaining why they cannot study. This was the
challenge to distill and pour everything into a short book that ruthlessly
exposes every area of their lives. Ultimately, the countless hours of hard work
and patience succeeded and resulted in a short yet incredibly powerful book on
work ethics.
major challenge was to go against the traditional conventions. For example,
many people relate work to money or office setting and get confused. In my
book, I have set clear and most complete definition and foundations of work
ethic that can be applied by even a nursery class student. The principles are
universal. The only barrier is knowledge followed by execution.
you believe that your books should be read by every school and college
I strongly believe that the young generation in their teens and 20s would relate
mostly to the book. I was there in their shoes, so all the ideas I have created
have immense practicality for school and college students.
is your message for those readers who are exclusively into fiction and other
niche books or those who find reading extremely boring?
it for yourself. Do it just for the sake of testing your willpower. Everybody
has their preferences. Everybody has their own choices. Something naturally
comes to us while we may have to try extremely hard to get used to other things.
The main point is the thing you think best for your life.
cannot decide that for you. Your parents cannot decide that for you. Your
teacher cannot decide that for you. All they can do is suggest you and show you
the way based on what they think is right. This life is yours. The choice is
yours. The ultimate decision is yours. You will never rise in your life until
you break out of your comfort zone. Just give it a try. There is nothing much
to lose and everything to gain.
one component is lacking when we talk about the work ethics of the young
is lacking. Darren Hardy once said- "If all you needed was more
information, everyone with an internet connection would live in a mansion, have
abs of steel and be blissfully happy." Knowledge has to come first but
if you never apply what you have learned, what is the difference between you
and someone who cannot or is not willing to gain the knowledge? That is the
reason why the mediocrity club is so popular with enormous social approval.
there is one quote from the book that is to be translated into every other
language in the world, what should it be?
is my trademark quote from the book. “You, yourself, and doing what you think
is the best matter most than anything else. Everything else is secondary.”
do you like to do when not writing?
I am
a doctor so a portion of my time is spent in the hospital. I create content for
medical students including questions, presentations, booklets, guide books, practical
notes that are freely available all around the web especially on my slideshare
profile. If you are somewhat related to the medical field or know someone who
does, my slideshare content is something you cannot afford to miss.
write in many niches. Currently, the top niche includes success,
self-improvement, personal transformation, work ethic, self-help, studying
habits, human psychology, and medical field. I have also worked as a freelancer
on many projects. I run my official Facebook page and a hilarious meme page
which I started recently. Besides, I love music, books, exercise, sleep, cooking,
cricket, movies, and TV shows.
can readers find out more about your work?
First of all, I thank everyone
for taking their precious time in reading and providing feedback about my book.
At present, you can find my content on medium, quora, medchrome, slideshare,
and my official Facebook page. You can message me about anything on my official
Facebook page or write an email to A few weeks back,
I created a one-second rule that would change the way you look at habits and
rituals. It would acknowledge and appreciate even the infinitesimal level of
effort essential for living a great life.
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