Becoming a Son of God (Author Interview)

Becoming a Son of God looks like a great self-help guide.  Can you tell us a little about it?

This is a book that will help anyone seeking an life for themselves. With everything going on in the world, I believe at some point we all need to have a since of faith to believe things can change and be better. I believe this change start with us and our relationship with God.

Any plans to turn it into a series? 
I believe making a story out of it will be the right thing to do so that people can not only express what’s going on here but really connect emotionally and mentally with what’s being said.
How long did it take you to write Becoming a Son of God? 
It took about 6 months to right the book.
That’s an amazing cover.  Can you tell us a little about it? 
The cover is a picture of Christ touching an person who seems to be at their last end but while praying and turning to God was touched and transformed into an new Person full of hope, power, confidence, health and freedom!
What inspired you when writing Becoming a Son of God?
 What Inspired me to write it is when I seen so much going on globally concerning the pandemic. I began to read about and see how this global reset was affecting people mentally everywhere. It was written to help individuals find God, and their purpose in life again.
What will readers get out of your book? 
They will gain insight on what it takes to live a Christian life, and how God love them and is totally committed to changing the work they live in from a new believer to a leader in the church by walking out their faith in him.
What motivated you to become a writer? 
I believe God spoke to me through a coast of events in my life and led me to write the book. It is from experiences and encounters I’ve had with God.
Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing Becoming a Son of God? 
I would say I’ve gained great wisdom to help people see truth and grow in life… the study and research put in to write the book really allowed me so see the world in a different light.
What do you like to do when not writing? 
I like to workout, spend time with family and to the work of the Lord as a spiritual leader and pastor.
Where can readers find out more about your work? 
Amazon, Becoming a Son of God.