Come See the Light looks like an exciting young adult, science fiction book. Can you tell us a little about it?
Come See
The Light is a story about, among other
things, uncertainty, duty, self-discovery, friendship, and hope. It’s based on
a short film I made back in 2016. It’s set in a
future where all non-biological electricity suddenly vanishes. No lights,
computers, cars, or any such forms of technology are possible, resulting in
humanity reverting to old-west style living. Our hero is a young girl named Maya (after the mother of Buddha), born well into
the aftermath of the event known as The Wave, which demolished all the power.
She finds the location of the machine that caused it all and sets out on a
journey to find it, along with her loyal
and helpful fox companion, Inari. Along the way, she will see how the world has adjusted to
the sudden change and will decide if power may be restored or not. She must
learn from her experience and make a choice herself.
Any plans to turn it into a series?
Indeed, there are. I am working on a
prequel story about Inari the fox and her upbringing. What made her the fox we
know in the first book, and what contributes to her intelligence and empathy.
After that, I plan to work on a direct sequel to the main story.
How long did it take you to write Come See the Light?
I started writing the book in January
2021 and hammered out the first draft in about six months. I would have taken
less time were it not for a bad case of writer’s block towards the ending. Once
I finally completed the first draft, I showed it to as many friends and family
members as possible for feedback and editing notes. Especially my dad and my
“first-cousin,” both of whom are my primary collaborators and have been
instrumental in helping me craft the story. From there, as they say, the key to
writing is re-writing, and I spent the rest of the year working on editing and
making changes to tell the best story possible. After about twenty drafts, I
felt it was finally ready and began preparing it for the book's release in July
of 2022.
That’s an amazing cover. Can you tell us a little about it?
Thank you for the compliment. The cover
was crafted by an incredibly talented Ukrainian cover artist named
Rebecacovers. I found her on and was impressed with her work. I had
a different cover originally crafted by another talented artist, Jonathan
Herzog, whom I met through a mutual friend. I liked his original cover, but my
editor commented that it didn’t match the intended tone of the story, and by
the time I completed the book, I had wholly changed Maya’s character design.
So, I went with the present cover but offered Jonathan a chance to feature his
artwork in the book's appendix. I have also promised him that if I ever produce
a graphic novel adaptation of the story, I will want him to illustrate it for
Can you tell us a little about Maya?
Maya is an amalgamation
of many influential fictional characters and non-fictional people in my life.
She is compassionate, capable, and always wants to do the right thing, no
matter how challenging it may be.
Her first technical appearance was in the original short film I made, portrayed by my friend Sarah Liz Amoroso, who also wrote the forward for the book. Maya is also influenced by my older sister and niece, two of the strongest and kindest women I know.
Maya’s primary fictional inspiration was from my favorite Hayao Miyazaki film, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. Both are women characters skilled at survival, are capable fighters, compassionate, and have a natural charm with animals, not to mention the post-apocalyptic setting.
How did you come up with the story and ideas in Come See the Light?
After my friends and I
made the short film for the San Jose 48-Hour Film Project, we originally
intended to write and produce a feature-length film version. Sadly, due to
several conflicts and issues (including the pandemic), we never got around to
making it happen.
So, I decided to take the newly found spare
time I had to bring our grander story to life but in book form.
The story was mainly influenced by my first
solo road trip to Ashland, Oregon I took back in 2018. Many of the landmarks
mentioned in the book were places and things I noticed and admired on the
I also took some inspiration from my favorite video games, The Last of Us and Assassins Creed. The latter is in the use of Maya’s hidden blade weapon. That was intended as a subtle jab at Ubisoft’s blatant and terrible sexism when they claimed they don’t have a woman lead character in one of their most successful game franchises because “Women don’t sell!” I may have taken offense to that remark.
Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing Come See the Light?
My biggest challenge,
among others, was honing the discipline to keep moving. The most important
lesson from my experience is best described in a line from one of my favorite
movies, Finding Forester,
delivered by the late Sir Sean Connery. The line goes, “The first key to
writing is to write; not to think," meaning it’s more important to power
through the first draft than it is to stop every five minutes wondering if what
you’re writing is any good at all.
There is a tendency to be afraid of what
you’re writing and to constantly stop and think about how you could make it
better in the heat of the moment. The problem with that mentality is that you
can spend so much time on a single paragraph trying to “improve” it before moving
on to the next one; by the time you finally do move on, you’re already
exhausted and probably don’t feel like doing anymore.
This mentality can cause one to never even finish the first draft because they spend too much time trying to make it good when that’s not the goal of any first draft.
The first draft is a skeleton, and every
subsequent draft is a process of adding muscle, flesh, and details to form it
into a beautiful and exciting living thing.
What do you like to do when not writing?
I enjoy performing in theater, making videos and films with my friends, and swimming. I’m also fond of hiking and traveling whenever possible.
I also pride myself as a coffee enthusiast with many ways of making good coffee. Presently, I work at Nespresso as my day job, and I love it wholeheartedly.
Can you tell us a little about your background?
I graduated from the Foothill College
Theater Conservatory, an intense two-year training program for actors, and they
have been the best two years of my life (so far).
Where can readers find out more about your work?
My website where you can find links to my book. You can also find a link to my blog where I review movies and discuss all things cinema.
You can also see some of my previous
video & film work on my production groups YouTube Channel for Dragon Farm Productions.