Sometimes life hurts—a lot!
Overwhelmed by its challenges and painful moments, there are days when just breathing itself almost requires more energy than we have to expend. It is in such times of despair and great exhaustion that we are pushed to the edge with thoughts of suicide. Beckoning us away from that edge with a message of hope, resiliency, and the understanding that God has not allowed us to be confronted with any situations that we cannot overcome, this book coaxes us to not give up on living. Turning our attention to our inner strength, it speaks to how intentional God was with gifting each of us life while reminding us that no one's life is perfect, but everyone's life has purpose. Having jumped off the edge several times in pursuit of death when overwhelmed by her life, the author writes earnestly of surviving those dark moments, finding peace, and becoming immensely grateful to still be alive. As with her first book, In My Family Shadows, Deloris E. Jordan grants readers an internal view of her personal struggle of survival with uncompromised transparency.