The Indonesian Conflict (Author Interview) 

The Indonesian Conflict looks like an exciting story.  Can you tell us a little about it?

This book was written from the view of a man drafted into a war and follows him through his traumatic experiences. The war both physically and mentally leaves its toll on the man as does his waning marriage. This book does not have your typically heroic ending and speaks of the harder topics for our veterans. PTSD.


Any plans to turn it into a series?

No, this book was a solo story

How long did it take you to write The Indonesian Conflict?

Believe it or not, this took me 20 years, but life took over so many times it was just placed on the backburner.


When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I was in English in high school. I started doing the assignments and fell in love with writing.


How did you come up with the story and ideas in The Indonesian Conflict?

This actually started as an English assignment. We were to write one page starting with the

words it was. When I turned it in I was called the next edgar allen poe, so there is when I decided

to continue it.


Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing The Indonesian Conflict?

Yes, I knew how I wanted the book to end, the challenge was putting the middle in to tie the story together without skipping anything important.


What do you like to do when not writing?

I spend all of my free time with my son and working on getting my nonprofit foundation off the ground. This nonprofit focus on children diagnosed with Cabezas Syndrome, a mutation or deletion of the CUL4b gene, and the families of these children.


Where can readers find out more about your work?

Unfortunately, just by reading the book, I do not have much out there yet. I work for NYC so I stayed away from social media and sites like those due to the social media policy.