American Slave (Author Interview)

American Slave looks like a great book.  Can you tell us a little about it?

I do a lot of historical research on the Wild West and in doing so I run across many interesting documents and books. While doing some research I found some writings from two gentlemen in particular that were born into slavery in the south and grew up in horrible conditions and then having hope after the emancipation proclamation and the south losing the Civil War there would be huge changes… there were on some levels but major prejudices still help the African Community down. The two men wrote their memories as old men hoping that the future would continue to be brighter but knew the road was still long a head of their community.


Any plans to turn it into a series?

I have been contemplating it. As long as I can stick with the humanity side of it and does not just become about the industry it was. I want to try and connect the dots of how the past has affected the current African American generations.


How long did it take you to write American Slave? The research is the longest part of a book like this but start to finish it was about four months.


What inspired you when writing American Slave?

I believe the stories of brutality are most likely passed down in depth in the African American community, but in other races I believe it is taught on a surface level, at least it was when I was taught in in school. It was taught like – “Oh the slaves had it bad, really bad” – maybe they talked about being whipped or hangings a little and that was it. When I read these men’s stories it was worse than I imagined. The daily fear and hopelessness along with ridicule and torture is just so hard to comprehend. I think this awful blotch in American history needs to be comprehended and remember so we can become more companionate and understanding to what was robbed from our fellow Americans because of their skin color and what this generation and next generations can do to help make up for that loss.


Can you tell us a little about the people that contributed to the book?

The two authors were men who were born into slavery and both their families were split apart when the masters sold off their family members. They went through beatings, whippings, and humiliation. These are not handed down stories from some by standard, these are stories from the actual people affected – the slaves themselves.


Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing American Slave?

Yes, what to trim down and blending the two writers stories. I wanted to honor them so there is very minimal editing. I wanted to make sure it was them talking from the past and more important that we feel their heart and it moves us to do something positive in this generation.


What do you like to do when you aren’t writing?

I love to be in nature. I go out all over the Southwest with my family and friends and find old Indian ruins, mines, battlefields, ghost towns and graveyards. Also, love to hike and rockhound.


Where can readers find out more about your work?

Currently I only sell on Amazon but will expand to more channels in 2023.