The Shaded Eye looks like a great book. What can you tell us about it?
Thank you. The book
is based on a series of intense dreams and nightmares I had. All the works within the book are based on
these dreams, even the poems. All the
dreams took place during the spring/summer of 2022 except for Blue House. That story was based on an intense dream I
had back in 1995 that has stayed with me.
Any plans to turn it into a series?
That is a possibility. If I
have more intense dreams in the future I may do something like The Shaded
Eye Vol.2, etc. As of right now
though my focus is completing the next installment in the Contaminated Angel
Contaminated Angels.
Can you tell us more about that?
Sure, Contaminated Angels is a paranormal horror/superhero
series set in a fictional town in western North Carolina called Sahalish. The series focuses on different characters and
each book is closed-ended. So, a reader
doesn’t have to read one book before picking up another. The first book released in the series is Invitation
to Evil which introduces the Paranormal detective with strange powers named
Max MacAulay. The next book in the
series tentatively titled Blue Beacon is currently being edited.
That’s an amazing cover.
Can you tell us about it?
Thank you. When the
artist Olivia showed me the cover, I was shocked. The artist asked me what the novel is
about. I told her it was based on a
series of strange dreams. I feel the
cover (a man staring skyward at a weird phenomenon) captures the essence of the
What scene or section did you have the most fun writing?
That is a good question and one that is hard to answer. I enjoyed writing the entire book. I can say putting the dreams, especially the
one from the 90’s down in a story format felt very cathartic. Other than that writing the two poems in the
book namely the haiku-villanelle was enjoyable because it has been a while
since I have written structured poetry.
What inspired the idea for the book?
Well, I have always had an ability to remember my dreams
particularly in any strange dream or nightmare that I have. I figured why not put that skill to use and
write the dreams down. After that it was
easy because my dreams have always flowed like a story anyway, especially the
very intense ones.
How did you come up with the title for the book?
Good question. I
struggled for a while to find a title that I felt fit the book. Dreams are a part of the subconscious…the
Shadow World if you will. I wanted a
title that captured that shadowy element.
The title the Shaded Eye came to me suddenly one day.
Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when
writing The Shaded Eye?
Yes. Siren Song
is personal to myself and my family.
Writing that was powerful emotionally as was the nightmare that generated
What do you like to do when not writing?
Besides spending time with friends and family when not
writing I like watching films. I enjoy all kinds of movies, anything from
horror to sci-fi to romantic comedies and intense dramas. If the film is good, I will enjoy it. I just got through attending the Nevermore
horror film festival in Durham, NC. I
saw over 13 films in a weekend. It was
awesome! I like playing role-playing
games like Dungeons & Dragons which I have been playing since
1989. I enjoy tabletop wargames like Warhammer
40k. Lastly, I enjoy going to
different breweries and bottle shops and trying different beers.
Where can readers find out more about your work?
Well, I have prided myself on staying away from social media
which shocks many people. I don’t have a
Facebook account, but I just recently joined Twitter. On Twitter @SandlerLBryson. Other than that I have an author’s page on
Amazon which is