Before the Day Ends: Hope and Courage in Times of Uncertainty (Author Interview)

What inspired you to write Before the Day Ends?

Before the Day Ends shares how each day presents many unique paths to explore and experience the remarkable world God has created. Over the years, Frank has had many unique opportunities to explore and experience the remarkable world God has created. His goal for this book is to share some of the lessons he has learned along the way and to offer encouragement, enjoyment, and perhaps a new perspective here and there.


Who (type of reader) did you write the book for?

Mostly adults who are looking for a reflective devotional book.  Also, at the end there are a complete set of questions designed for small group leader. 


What do you hope readers will get out of reading your book?

Encouragement to live a life with courage and faithfulness.  For small group leaders, I hope that this text will provide them resources for learning and thoughtful engagement and conversation within their group.


How did you decide on your books title and cover design?

Before the Day Ends is designed to prepare for the next day.  The image is a photograph I took in Petra, Jordan. I like the light appearing at the end of the canyon beckoning to a new adventure.


Were their experiences in your personal life or career that came in handy when writing this book?

Nearly all of the stories in this text are personal or based on a personal experience.


How would you describe your writing style? Which writers or books are you similar too?

I enjoy Annie Dillard’s careful view of the world and I appreciate her engaging style.  I have also tried to make this text conversational


Where can readers find out more about your work?

The book is available on Amazon.  Also, I have a website