Islam and Kung Fu?: Understandings and Practices of ancient traditional ways through Islam in our contemporary times

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Understandings and Practices of ancient traditional ways through Islam in our contemporary times!
In a time where Islam and the Muslims are viewed as a religion and a nation of terror and evil, and where martial art is seen and promoted as a very violent and competitive thing, this book is maybe a key to help the readers understand how far we have drifted from the true meanings, essence and value of things and that maybe, the essence of Islam and Kung fu are not so far from one another. Could it be that Kung Fu has nothing to do with what we know nowadays and that Islam actually teaches the exact opposite of what the media actually does?
Could it be that by combining the understanding of the true meaning of Islam and Kung Fu, we actually get to something even deeper than expected?
Yet very complex questions but maybe very simple answers.