One Action (Author Interview)

One Action looks like a great book on gender inequality.  Any plans to release similar themed books?   

Yes, this book aims to encourage women towards their dreams and ambitions, and it talks about gender inequality in the country. There is no plan to release a similar themed book. In fact, I would prefer other women to take 'One Action' and write a book on gender inequality in India from their perspectives. No matter how much one tries, one book cannot cover all aspects of gender inequality in the country, we need more such book from more women.

What will readers get out of your book?    

Readers would understand various aspects of unspoken messages heard by women in India that eventually discourage them from dreaming big, being ambitious and working towards their goals. They would also learn about various tools women can use to shatter the gender barriers around them in low-risk ways and how they can come together in the form of Lean In Circle and make a change together. 

What inspired you when writing One Action?    

After getting through the 5th Semester of Master of Computer Science and being able to bag a good placement offer, I started reflecting on the last 2.5 years of my college life. How small decisions that I took made big differences in my life. How I was able to accomplish everything I dreamt about and even more. How my self-confidence grew tenfold, the people I met in the last years and how I started believing again in the goodness of the world. Having experienced the feelings of worthlessness and hatred for self for a very long period of my life and up till now, I understand how hopeless it can make one feel about life. Through all my efforts, my aim has always been to make sure that no woman ever feels the same way about herself. I dream of a world where men and women are treated equally. All women love themselves for exactly who they are and people are not judged based on their gender. This though inspired me to write the book 'One Action'

When did you decide to become a writer? 

I never took the decision to become a writer. I took the decision to write about what I learned being a part of the Lean In Community. My idea was never to "become an author" but to do whatever I can to spread the message. 

When writing One Action did anything stand out as particularly challenging?   

It was emotionally very difficult for me to write about sensitive issues like female foeticide and dowry. The statistics in India are never good and always disheartened me. It was more difficult to write about Sexual Harassment in India. I remember when I started writing about the Nirbhaya case and started collecting stories of women, I was filled with tears and it difficult for me to gather the courage to gather more information about the same. 


How did you come up with the concepts and ideas in One Action? 

The concept and idea of One Action are based on that of Lean In. I have already been working to empower women towards their ambitions as the Founder of Lean In India -- writing the book was just a way to bring everything on paper.

What do you like to do when not writing?  

Sleeping !! Haha !! Well, writing is just a hobby. I am a Software Developer at Adobe and a Hindustani Vocal Music Student at Shankar Mahadevan Academy. I spend most of my time working and singing. 

How can readers discover more about you and your work?

On almost all social media accounts. I am mostly active on Facebook and LinkedIn though.