The Mermaid’s Dress looks like a fun kid’s adventure. What can you tell us about it?
The Mermaid’s dress is about a journey of self-discovery and learning from your past. I wanted to tell a story of a cute mermaid as she understands that perfection can only come from herself. I wanted her to be relatable and her actions understandable. While keeping a life lesson embedded in the story.
How were the illustrations done in The Mermaid’s Dress?
The artist and I really read the story and tried to find the perfect angle and feel needed to convey what was being said. Each image in the book first had 9 to 12 possible versions or rather sketches. Then we chose the one that felt the most appropriate and brought it all the way home with colors and painting.
What inspired you when writing The Mermaid’s Dress?
What really inspired me was the lack of a black mermaid in the children’s books I could find. The story itself was born from my own experiences watching people and watching myself.
What age group is the book for?
The age group for this book in my honest opinion is between 8 and 13.
How did you come up with the story in The Mermaid’s Dress?
I went through a fun but extensive process of well … talking to myself to work out the story. I knew that I wanted to make a mermaid-based kids book so all I had to do was think of what I wanted to say and how I was going to say it. I went through several options, including the mermaid who couldn’t stop eating plastic … but eventually it hit me that mermaids for some reason are never fully clothed. So, what if she actually wanted a dress. What if finding a dress was a whole adventure. And that’s how I came up with the story.
Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing The Mermaid’s Dress?
Finding and looking for a dress is a nice concept but making it into a fun story that requires pictures to fully bring it to life, is pretty challenging. I needed to find a way where the balance between looking for dresses and creating a goal where she just can’t find the perfect one was met. I had full faith in my artist, so luckily that wasn’t a big stress factor.
What do you like to do when not writing?
When I’m not writing I like to watch anime, read books (I prefer non-fiction), watch movies and of course exercise to stay fit. I wish there was more to do, but the current situation in the world really but a damper on things. But the silver lining is that it gave me more time to write.
Where can readers find out more about your work?
You can find me on all social media platforms or my own personal websites.