I Love Me (Author Interview)


I Love Me looks like a great guide.  Can you tell us a little about it?

This book is about motivation in our daily life. It helps the young people to know the life’s rules, as well easiest way to the happiness. It’s very easy written, so that everyone can understand it.


Any plans to turn it into a series?

Well that will be great, at this moment it’s not the plan.


How long did it take you to write I Love Me?

About year.


What inspired the idea for your book?

The inspiration was, even though that I am young, but I can say I am to early mature, which I was very early to relize how the life works. Through this experience that I have in this life, I decided to share it to the people, so that they can benefit.


How did you come up with the title to your book?

First of all for me it was important that the title to be short and easy to remember it, even after years. Secondly I love me It has a very powerful meaning, which it motivate you to love yourself, I always believe it all starts with yourself, if you want change in your life, that’s why it’s important to accept and be satisfied with yourself and you live it.


What will readers get out of your book?

Self-confident, been proud of yourself, knowing life rules, accepting yourself and many more.

Did anything stick out as particularly challenging when writing I Love Me?

Getting new ideas and grammatic.


What do you like to do when not writing?

Reading, watching series, dancing and drawing.


Where can readers find out more about your work?

Links of Platforms

Inovie Books - https://www.inoviebooks.com/product/i-love-me/

Barnes & Noble - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/i-love-me-aryam-mussie/1141502395

Readers Fair - https://readersfair.tk/product/i-love-me/

Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/in/en/ebook/i-love-me-16

CP Book Stores - https://www.cassandraparkerbooks.com/product/i-love-me/

US Book Bulk - https://books.usbookbulk.epizy.com/Book-Store/I-Love-Me

Island Books - https://cart.islandbooks.rf.gd/books/I-Love-Me

Africo Books - https://shop.africobooks.totalh.net/book-store/I-Love-Me

Euro Books - https://store.eurobooks.freecluster.eu/books/I-Love-Me

Amazon (USA) - https://www.amazon.com/I-Love-Me-Aryam-Mussie/dp/B0B1JC4PHC

 E-book - https://www.amazon.com/I-Love-Me-Aryam-Mussie-ebook/dp/B0B21SZJZQ

 Amazon (UK) - https://www.amazon.co.uk/I-Love-Me-Aryam-Mussie/dp/B0B1JC4PHC


Amazon (AUSTRALIA) - https://www.amazon.com.au/I-Love-Me-Aryam-Mussie/dp/B0B1JC4PHC

 Amazon (FRANCE) - https://www.amazon.fr/I-Love-Me-Aryam-Mussie/dp/B0B1JC4PHC

 Amazon (SPAIN) - https://www.amazon.es/I-Love-Me-Aryam-Mussie/dp/B0B1JC4PHC

Amazon (GERMANY) - https://www.amazon.de/I-Love-Me-Aryam-Mussie/dp/B0B1JC4PHC

 Amazon (ITALY) - https://www.amazon.it/I-Love-Me-Aryam-Mussie/dp/B0B1JC4PHC