Can you tell us a little about Good Marriage Bad Marriage?
Marriage isn’t supposed to be easy, not when we live in a world of evilness. This book will give you so much clarity and your will see that your marriage really can be worked out if you are both on the same page and you are trusting in Gods word. The problem is so much bigger than we like to think. Everything is spiritual. It’s about first having that relationship with Christ and trusting in him no matter what challenges get thrown you way. You have to be willing to give God your all and then have faith that he will fix it all no matter what it may look like. He is the master of making things new again and restoring hearts and minds and providing a comfort like no one else can.What motivated you to write the book?
The Lord placed it on my heart to write this book last year. It one one of the most uncomfortable things I have ever done but I knew I had to be obedient. It’s real and I put my all into it. The things my marriage has went through and the way we survived it and are still surviving it will show someone that you can work out anything if you have you head and your heart in the right place.
What type of reader did you write the book for?
The Lord placed it on my heart to write this book last year. It one one of the most uncomfortable things I have ever done but I knew I had to be obedient. It’s real and I put my all into it. The things my marriage has went through and the way we survived it and are still surviving it will show someone that you can work out anything if you have you head and your heart in the right place.
What type of reader did you write the book for?
This is actually a book for any adult. Whether single, engaged, married, uncertain. I feel like any adult will get something from this book. It will definitely bless somebody.
How long did it take you to write Good Marriage Bad Marriage?
It was a book should have written years ago but when I actually wrote it, it took about 5 months because I didn’t want it to be long. I wanted to get to the point in each chapter and some people don’t like to read much so when I wrote I cater to those who want to accomplish completing a whole book and feel good about it and also take something away from it.
It was a book should have written years ago but when I actually wrote it, it took about 5 months because I didn’t want it to be long. I wanted to get to the point in each chapter and some people don’t like to read much so when I wrote I cater to those who want to accomplish completing a whole book and feel good about it and also take something away from it.
How did you come up with the title for the book?
God placed the title on my heart to be honest.
Did anything stick out as particularly chllenging when writing Good Marriage Bad Marriage?
The most challenging thing was putting our business in this book. But I knew this is what needed to be done, not just for us but to help others and for Gods glory. ๐๐พ❤️
What do you like to do when not writing?
I love spending time with my family and doing business things and of course traveling. I like the beach and watching my kids have fun.
I love spending time with my family and doing business things and of course traveling. I like the beach and watching my kids have fun.
Where can readers find out more about your work?
Right now all my book are only available on Amazon.
Right now all my book are only available on Amazon.